Since it's time to think about what to grow this year, I needed to taste-test the dried chocolate mint, Mentha piperita, to see if it's a go or not. It's too bad it sat so long in the cupboard. I think I thought I was saving it for something special.
That's a Celestial Seasoning Mint Magic teabag in cup 1, dried chocolate mint in cup 2, and both in cup 3. I brought the kettle to a boil and let it sit off-heat for 10-15 seconds because mints don't like boiling water. Mints also turn bitter if steeped too long -- 4 minutes was stretching it but I like my herbal teas strong.
The color of the chocolate mint is much lighter and looks to be weaker but oh boy don't ever go by that alone. What I decided is that chocolate mint is most definitely worth growing, and more of it. I like it best as a simple -- that means one herb only -- even a small amount overpowered the Mint Magic, which is a blend. And, my old favorite, Mint Magic, will continue to be just that.
This dandelion clump is going into a salad today. The before and after of the felted nest follows. It felted up nicely and I think it'll be a good thread holder.
Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of Gemini, just two days from equal light and dark. Waxing moons favor growth so our time is well-spent nurturing, enriching, fertilizing, building, and strengthening plants, soil, projects and intentions. Airy Gemini days are great for making changes, moving from one thing to another easily, and chatty get-togethers. The shoulders, arms and hands are most affected by Gemini.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with the moon in the sign of moist and fruitful Cancer will be ideal days for sowing seeds in the garden. It's a little early for us here in Colorado but if the weather holds, I have potatoes and onion sets to plant.
To growing! And mint tea.....