It's not an expensive drum but it is a good drum. Bought at the Spring Equinox Pow Wow a number of years ago, I believe it to be made by skilled and honest hard-working hands. If you think of the underside of a drum where you hold it as a glove, then this drum fits me like a glove. It has played a part in some powerful energy-raising circles and continues to hold up in a way that only a well-made drum can. I am now making a bag for it out of the big scrap of natural linen that it rests on and those narrow strips of cotton are also in the plan.

I simmered three ounces of fresh nettle leaves in six cups of water for one hour. Then I took the pot off the heat and let it sit for four hours. And ended the process by simmering it again for another hour. I stored the cooked greens and liquid in the refrigerator. This is a method learned from Herbalist Susun Weed -- I have never cooked greens so long before but she says this technique enables us to absorb more of the nutrients provided we drink the cooking liquid as well.
The nettle greens do not turn to mush in the pot as you might expect although they do melt in your mouth. Serve with salt and pepper, butter, Parmesan cheese, etc. I had a bowl of reheated nettles for breakfast three days in a row. So good.
I'm getting to know the Roman Goddess Juno through the book
Moonology by Yasmin Boland. I'd always thought of Juno as a patron of the marriage commitment, the month of June being a traditional time to get married and all. But now I am expanding that notion into all types of commitments -- I hope to draw on Juno energy to help me honor the commitments I make with no whining, complaining, dread or escape routes in mind.
One grandmother hoya plant is in bloom right over the kitchen sink. She makes me so happy, sometimes it doesn't take much, does it?
Thanks for visiting and happy weekending to you. xx