Even if I didn't know the date, I'd know it was Lammas because every year around this time the color of the air changes. To my eye, it becomes slightly darker with a greenish cast. Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, marks a shift in energy, from a growth phase into fruition and harvest. The first Thanksgiving really, it is a time of gratitude and celebration for the early harvest -- not only fruits and crops, but also accomplishments, goals met, and other things manifesting in our lives.
I made kale chips a few years ago when they first became the thing, but boy have kale chips ever come a long way since then. Toppings and everything. These are good. I used the convection bake setting on my oven at 150 degrees, so as to not have to drag out the food dehydrator, other than that I followed the recipe.
Lammas is a traditional berry-picking day but a few raspberries are about it for berry picking in our garden today. A strange year for the raspberries, we hope that the fall crop will be better.
Time to get out all my baskets to dry flowers and leaves and roots. Woven baskets allow good air flow and can be hung or stacked. The lowly common marigold, Tagetes sp., is my new best friend because it deters bindweed. Marigolds will have free rein in our gardens from now on. And I used to not like them, can you believe it?
This video records a magical Lughnasadh gathering, if you're so inclined. Happy Harvest! xx
I have been missing my friend Janie today & here you are with kale! She introduced me to kale and got me to love it. I'll have to try this version.
ReplyDeleteI have no cooking gas due to a major building leak (July 22 and ongoing still), otherwise I'd be trying this recipe over the weekend. Meanwhile, hope you know this delightful movie--Dancing At Lughnasa
Cindy, I'm glad you felt connected to her with the kale. Funny how that happens, isn't it, just out of the blue?
ReplyDeleteMichelle, hope you get back to normal asap. But probably better now than in the winter when you really want to cook. I remember that movie, thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteNow I cant grow marigolds or tagatees as i know them.......they end up eaten to the stem! So annoying lolol
ReplyDeleteyummy crisps.......I tried your idea of kale crisps last summer and loved them
Lyn, who or what eats the marigolds? They must grow nice and tasty over there with all that wonderful moisture!
ReplyDeletehave not been able to 'like' Kale...probably because i'm not willing to spend time fussing with them. will have to look for the ready made Kale chips. they do look good.
ReplyDeleteI love baked kale and can't wait to try this version with all those added flavors and crunches. thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSince I cook as little as possible, I'll send on the kale ideas to my sis! Loved watching the video again. Reminded me of learning to folk dance in Jr. High! I thought it was fun but pretended not to since everyone said how they hated it :)