I've set up a separate project page for the snowball cloth on the sidebar. In the style of others who've documented their creations from a single large piece, I'll do the same with my vintage, handmade snowball bedspread. Homemade chenille is what it is. There was so much time and labor, not to mention determination, in its making that it deserves to be parcelled out thoughtfully.
Today is a grayish waning moonday in Libra where I live. There is snowcover over ice over snow over ice. Not fun to walk on but it actually is a good thing -- snow insulates the earth and prevents heaving of plant roots plus it fertilizes the soil. Yes, that's right, as snow crystals fall through the atmosphere, they collect particles of this and that -- nitrates, sulfur compounds, potassium, and calcium and more. Maybe yellow snow isn't the only kind to not eat, maybe we shouldn't eat any snow!
Libra is an air sign that affects the health of the kidneys, hips and bladder. I've read that the life force is stored in the kidneys and is best strengthened during the winter with rest and warming nourishing foods. Very much like bulbs are buried to overwinter before blooming in the spring. If we don't follow through with this self-care, we may feel the consequences in the spring. And today is the perfect time to draw on Libra energy for balance between celebrating and resting.
Doesn't "snow crystals falling" sound magical? And speaking of magic, has anyone dyed with snow? I think I'll bury a bundle today.
what you are calling the 'snowball cloth' has been always known to me as chenille. i have pieces of vintage chenille just like that and in many other designs. you can see a sample of other designs here:
if you would like a bunch of different designs i will mail you some. i have a whole plastic tub full that i bought on ebay several years ago. i have made a couple of children's blankets with them.
Deanna, thanks for the link -- the big puffs on the green patch look exactly like mine. I can't even imagine doing chenille by hand, definitely don't have the patience for that! Thank you for your generous offer -- if you have any with just large puffs? -- and I will want to pay you for them. :)
ReplyDelete"Let it snow, let it snow..." :) I saw some examples of dyeing with snow somewhere and was so intrigued. We haven't had much snow since then though...
ReplyDeleteDeb, it's snowing again and I haven't gotten that bundle buried yet, maybe tonight...
ReplyDeleteI tried last year but didnt have great success but then used up all my old fabric paints, so they may not have been much use, being so very old.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great Christmas, however you choose to celebrate it.
fondest Lyn
Lyn, I guess it's worth a try! I wish you a great holiday season, it's not near over with yet, lots of celebrating left to do!