Today is Lammas, the traditional time to mark and celebrate our first harvest. Since it's been a little while again since I've posted, my first-harvest photos will begin a few months back.
The orange tree/houseplant that we bring inside every winter and take back outside every spring produced two oranges in May. This is the largest of the two and true to its botany, there are ten sections. We were so happy she finally succeeded in ripening her first fruits after one and a half years of carrying them in her branches.
In May, lilac-infused water was made over and over.
In May, lilac-infused posset was made, a rich cream and honey dessert.
In June, mullein root, leaf and stalk tincture was made. When I learned that mullein is used for spinal conditions (in addition to its other more common uses), it only made sense when you think how tall and erect the mature plant stands.

In June, the iris bloomed -- one of my favorite displays of the month.
In June, a chicken coop and fenced-in run were delivered to our home in the middle of the city.
In June, two Barred Rocks and three Buff Orpingtons arrived.
They have changed my life forever.
In July, I made Monarda fistulosa leaf and flower tincture.
In July, lavender was dried.
In July, I remembered that I had made an egg basket about 25 years ago. That was a very long "build it and they will come," wasn't it?
In July, the chickens -- Margaret, Henna Penny, Lilith, Honey Moon and Cinco -- began to free-range in the evening until their bedtime. They always visit the Buddha garden first; it's so densely-planted they really can't cause much damage plus I already had wire cloches set up because of the rabbits.
I didn't know how much I wanted them until they came.
Which brings me to now -- to mark the harvest today, I am filling all my little green vases with flowers and herbs to put all over the house.
And making little incense bundles with Palo Santo wood, lavender, white sage and mullein.
August is the beginning of autumn and there is a definite shift in the light. The air seems to literally turn green and when I breath it in, I turn into a plant of the human kind.
Today, I wish you all the beauty and abundance you can contain. xo