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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

moon of may

A trail of starflowers makes a pathway for the moon of May, part of this year's monthly sewing ritual -- pathways -- one pathway for each moon of the year.

Today the waxing moon travels under the sign of Gemini. Every two and a half days the moon shines through a different sign of the zodiac (unlike the sun which shines through a different sign monthly). We may notice a specific and pronounced emotion under a particular moon sign and before we know it, the feeling or desire is gone and we're on to the next thing. Moon signs can also affect our bodies -- today the waxing moon being in the sign of Gemini affects our arms, shoulders, lungs, and hands. That means actions taken toward healing those parts may be more effective while at the same time, they may also be more easily stressed. 

Yesterday, I thought to myself that I've not been good to my hands and probably never have -- of course it was a Gemini moonday! -- gardening, cleaning, and a new paring knife have taken their toll. It's laughable that I've gone through more band-aids in the last month than in the previous 10 years -- the knife is seriously sharp. Using my homemade comfrey salve more is a good first step, and then maybe some non-toxic nail polish from Whole Foods. You never know. 

If you feel that your flow is a little disrupted, never fear because Mercury went retrograde on May 18. It happens three or four times each year and will go direct again on June 11.  More on Mercury retrograde here. The faded but intact prayer flags are several years old, I made them in 2012. If I made them today, I think I would write the exact same sentiments. The idea is to allow them to remain in the elements, releasing their intentions as they disintegrate. 

I am addicted to watching the Great British Sewing Bee on Youtube and am now on Season 3. I want to sew something so badly but my 40-year-old Viking Husqvarna is on the blink so she and I are going to the repair shop this afternoon. Sadly (as the judges always say about mistakes on the Sewing Bee), it will take three weeks. The judges criticize quite delicately. 

Still cold and rainy here, going to have to do a sun-dance. Or stitch a sun-charm. xo


  1. i've only gotten through 2 episodes of the sewing bee....too many other things to watch and listen to. sorry about your sewing machine. it's good that you are also a beautiful hand stitcher.

  2. Ah, is this the reason I slammed my finger in a door today?!! But I did take good care of it too...lots of cold pack! Love the thoughts on your prayer flags too. Mine are in tatters, almost gone now. Always love seeing your outdoor space.

  3. Peggy, I just loved the Sewing Bee. I watched it right through while embroidering. It was so well done and I liked seeing such a kindly atmosphere prevail through a stiff competition; they presented the ups and downs of sewing very honestly and humanely I thought. Thanks again. xo, s.

  4. I love that the prayer flags are so faded and yet still full of meaning.
    Flags that worn were always to be seen in Nepal I remember, with ragged edges worn by the wind, but probably never having had stitched hems in any case.
    Your garden must be a lovely place to sit, relax and ponder in!

  5. how comforting to know you would repeat the same prayer flag messages today. There's continuity of intention. As always I calm down when I visit here. I sat a while with the Buddha in your photograph, and considered the benefits of Comfrey and bees wax. Comfrey and olive oil I can accomplish easily and may see if the market has a plant for me this weekend. Olive oil is so good for the skin and it soaks in well. We used it as salve when we used to go to the tenth street baths to soak in their incredibly hot stone sauna. Good for arthritic joints too.

  6. I love your moon path, it' more beautiful with every full moon.
    Your prayer flags/ garden are wonderful.

  7. Oh also, I love your comfrey cream, thank you for showing the ingredients, I'm going to make some.
