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Monday, May 11, 2015

snow & sew

The rain turned into snow. Trees and plants were laden with layers of ice and several inches of heavy sticky snow. It wasn't the kind of snow that you can shake off or bang with a broom before you go to bed so we had some large tree branches come down. It will be interesting to see how perennials and fruit trees handle the setback -- two years ago we had a snowstorm on May Day and I worried then too.

Today is a waning moonday in Pisces -- watery Pisces. I feel like a week of rain and/or snow has been enough water. But I know, after damage control, I'll get back to seed sowing with long heartfelt
incantations for rain. Forgive and forget, you know . . . the weather is probably harder on the gardener than it is on the garden. Everything in the little cold frame is doing pretty well, much of it is to be donated to a plant sale fundraiser.

The urge to get back to dyeing has been reawakened after a very long hibernation -- a dye-pot from last fall holds leaves and rain and snow and now a white cotton square. I never feel so wonderfully witchy as I do when stirring a dye-pot with a branch.

The flower bouquet has the funkiest rolled-up leaf that is slowly unfurling itself. It will be huge. I see more dyeing material here.

I am excited to watch Season 2 of The Great British Sewing Bee. We are in for a real treat as long as the complete season stays available. It looks like Season 3 has already begun, too.

I know what I'm doing tonight. And I am sewing something but can't show it as it will be a gift.

Happy Beeing!


  1. such beautiful flowers. sorry to hear about the frost on all those plants but i bet the garden will revive itself in no time. so anxious to watch the Sewing Bee but it will have to wait until tomorrow. it's close to my bedtime. thank you so much for letting me know.

  2. We are hot today, but may get rain in the next few days. I have never seen that show, I'll have to remember you've shared it here. That is quite the striped leaf! Happy dying to you, Nancy

  3. Well isn't that just like weather! Never a dull moment. This is fun....going to the UK for a sewing b...Yay BBC and thee.

  4. PS as with Antique roadshow I'm loving the people stories as much as the actual sewing bits :-)

  5. Your flowers are beautiful, the leaf would be perfect to eco print.
    I've not heard of the show, do you watch it on the TV or the computer? What channel? I really would like to watch it.

  6. Thanks everyone, it's about to rain yet again! Climate change.

    Kathy, the Sewing Bee is on Youtube. Season One should still be there, now Season Two! It's like a cook-off, only sewing, great fun to watch. And I usually learn a lot.

  7. Loved the sewing bee! Thanks for posting it...I would never have known...
