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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

the bee yard

The bees' front yard is left au naturale as you can see. I think all of these (mostly) dooryard weeds growing and thriving together make a gorgeous tapestry. It's quite a sight and quite a feeling as well.

Young Egyptian onions were among the first things eaten from the garden along with bits of dandelion and arugula. This week we can start in on the nettles, another garden-to-table ritual.

Since it's raining and is expected to do so for the next week, I might get really organized around here. Starting with cloth sorted by color -- there's more but the room was too dark for photos.

The cards are old Uno game cards painted and collaged -- I could spend days and days doing stuff like this. It was week 15 of Journal52, the prompt was cards. I'm going to do more.

Today is a waning moon in fiery Sagittarius. It's hard to not say what we're thinking under a Sag moon because candor -- saying-it-like-it-is -- can overpower our filters. Other aspects of Sagitarrius are imagination, confidence, and adventure. The parts of the body affected at this time are the thighs and hips -- interesting that one of our dogs is hobbling on three legs today. I've been doing Tellington TTouch on her which is a form of touch healing for animals. Talula likes it which is encouraging. 

I'm wishing for a lovely week of calm.


  1. your bee garden is absolutely beautiful. love seeing how others organize their fabrics. i have lots of mine organized by color in plastic see through bins and labeled with the color on the outside. it has made it so much easier for me to find just the right cloth for a project....however, i also have too many fabrics so all of them are in no way organized. it is fun to go through them once in a while and find things i'd forgotten about. lucky Talulah to have you to care for her.

  2. I can almost smell the bee garden...the aromatic herbs are my favorite thing. LOVE the cards (especially the "Being Calm" one. It's good to be reminded how fiery Sag can overwhelm and make candor a danger. Calmness counters the effect. May the touch heal and soothe. May all be well with you and yours.

  3. Oh...this garden of yours! I bet it smells great too. Love the idea for old cards. Your collage work is very appealing. I use those plastic drawers and plastic bags for most of my fabric, but still I forget what is there and have way too much! Calm would be good :)

  4. Everyone needs a bee yard. Yours looks wonderful! I also love your cards, great idea. Your journal is very inspiring.
