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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

b&w moon trail

I've been stitching a simple black and white moon trail as part of this year's stitch ritual, pathways -- one meandering pathway for each of 13 moons. Last Friday was a new moon, an Equinox and the sun moved into Aries, to mention just three of the day's events -- it was a big day, celestially speaking.

The violet vinegar has transformed into the loveliest liquid magenta. Some pussy willow stems are rooting nicely nearby, almost ready to be potted temporarily until planting time outside. And there's another art journal page for week 11 of Journal52 -- the prompt is to just write. The title of a recent email article on simplicity was Don't Take Action and I like the idea of not needing to Especially since my immersion into the Outlander book series because what I will choose given the opportunity is to Well into the fifth book with just two to go, I hate to see the end come near.

Around here in Zone 5 Colorado, it's time to get seedlings started indoors. This week from the afternoon of March 26th (1:45 PM MDT) through the 28th (9:48 PM MDT), our waxing moon will be in the sign of Cancer, making it the perfect time to plant those seeds. The best time of all, actually.

After some warm days in the 70's and 80's (F), our Nanking cherry bush is blooming so the bees have one more place to forage. I've been learning that pussy willows are a good early source of both pollen and nectar for bees as well -- try to keep them in mind when I'm thinking about new plantings.

Spring. There is a definite sense of things coming together now.


  1. such beautiful meandered stitching and i love seeing roots in a jar. wishing you a wonderful spring. it's already getting too hot here. it was 82 today.

  2. Thanks so much, Deanna -- I wish you a wonderful spring too!

  3. Twisting traveling moon, twin sheep, gorgeous color & promise of growth...and your journal page, which completely resonates with me! I too have come to the conclusion that it is just fine if I never act on half of my creative ideas!
    We're expecting 94 at week's end and today the winds really kicked up. Not a good combo here in SoCal. Hopefully no big brush fires will come of this.

  4. Such pretty photos with the hand stitching, pink vinegar, and your journal page.
    I have lately been trying to give myself permission to do nothing, something very difficult for me. I'm beginning to realize that some days I need it after I've been altogether too busy for a few days.
    I'm learning the value of quiet time through yoga and meditation besides just sitting with my stitching or knitting.

  5. Your wandering paths are lovely and alive. Inspired by your journal page, I stitched "choose" on my cloth today, and I love the phrase "celestially speaking", maybe that will be tomorrow's words…

  6. Nancy, thanks so much, glad to hear I have company in this matter. We all need to do a rain dance for CA. Or something. Remember Suzanna (Mostly Threads) stitched rain cloths last year?

  7. Thank you, Holly -- definitely want to shake this sense of triage. We all try to do so much, don't we? Looking forward to some commitments being fulfilled very soon, that will help tons.

  8. Cindy. Oh I love that you told me! :)

  9. I'm thinking of gardens too but without one to plant. I'll draw in gardens this year. It's healing just to be amongst the great growth of the planet...and there's the farm market too...plenty of wonderful there. Our Winter is still teasing in and out...but it can't fool me. I know what I know. There will be pansies and cherries and blossoms of every kind, and herbs too.
