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Monday, March 16, 2015

violet moonday


I made some flower food today -- a tiny bottle of violet champagne vinegar. It needs to brew for a few weeks before it's ready. Last year I made violet vinegar on Earth Day, April 22, 2014 -- that means the violets are blooming over a month earlier this year.

Directions to make violet, Viola odorata, vinegar and a little more about using violet as herbal medicine are here. I was taught years ago that violet syrup soothes unnamed grief. It stuck with me but I have never really come upon a situation to use violet for that purpose. Recently I read that homeopathically speaking, violet people are bright and perceptive, but can be sad or depressed to the point of crying without really knowing why. There seems to be a connection there. Violet is a great healer, indeed.

More good news is that since those first violet blossoms in the spring are not seed-bearers (that happens later), we can pick them freely.

I'm stitching the little rosemary bookcloth. I was thinking since rosemary is a brain herb, good for studying and remembering, I should use it in a reference book of some sort. The power of suggestion, you know.

Journal52's Week 10 for art journaling was coloring book inspiration. I used a black/white/gray illustration from an old magazine and colored pencils. I didn't think I would like this prompt all that much but I did. The chakra points weren't in the original illustration -- and the Thoreau quote was synchronous, if only I really did have a canoe.

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Aquarius, a good time for group work and play. And, as always, that strong Aquarian trait of making improvements might make itself known, watch out. Equinox is coming up this week -- did you know both spring and autumn equinox are good days to develop fairy vision?

Thanks for visiting, have a wonderful week and a smooth change of season -- and I hope you get to see a fairy or two. Think I'm going to sink into the color purple for a while now. xo


  1. Every one MUST believe in something (what a fine drawing) - I believe I've got a case of "unnamed grief" and so your post is the post I needed tonight. It hit me broadside (but from the inside) as I left my writing group and headed home. No need to ponder. I'll get me some violets ((((smiling)))) activate fairy vision and see what's to be seen.

  2. Why am I still surprised by how much beauty I fall in love with each time I'm here. I had to go back and look at the rosemary again! Amazing. The coloring page is gorgeous and makes me wish I too could float away. The unnamed grief always reminds me of the children's book "Madeline" - when Miss Clavel feels something is not right. I hope you know what I mean, as I am not saying it well here! Thanks for more beauty here Peggy.

  3. I picked seed heads from wild plants growing under field hedges near Whitby Abbey years ago. Id taken the kids on a farm holiday and it was a magical week of goats milk, beach combing and fossil seeking.
    My violets took an age to grow but finally did and blossomed in nooks and crannies around the garden.
    I brought one small plant and lots of seed heads when I moved here last year, so far I have no flowers but there are afew leaves!
    For several reasons I associate them with my mum and granma, have always loved them.
    Striking artwork there, much symbolism

  4. I love,love when you share your medicinal recipes. As soon as our snow melts and the violets come out I will be making this.
    Wonderful post!

  5. such gorgeous shades of purple and i love that journal page. haven't grown violets in many years.

  6. looking forward to violet here

  7. Your rosemary stitching is brilliant! I hope you get to canoe in your dreams soon.
