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Thursday, April 2, 2015

violet moon

Winter came back today, we all knew it would. I just hope we can slink through this cold front without any snow because the trees are already blooming and leafing out and that would be so sad.

It feels like I've fallen behind in nearly every aspect of my life. After thinking about this, I've decided I don't want to catch up because that only implies more rushing around. So back to my word for the year -- flow. Flow can be slow or fast, light or heavy. It can be stopped and it can resume. I guess flow is really just being happy with the pace of life, however it goes. A new rust object for dyeing, Jan brought me the horseshoe on the far left. I think he found the other one, too. 

I miss stitching moons. Happily I came across some long-forgotten moon squares once intended for a moon quilt. Decided I still really want to make a moon quilt so basted violet moon onto a background of harem cloth. But something was not right. Looked at it on and off for a few days. Decided I hated the metallic thread; decided I hated the dark purple blanket stitching; one too rough and the other too harsh. A quilt has to be soft, right? Took it all out. So much better. This required an awful lot of decisions to be made.

After living for quite a few springs now, I notice things -- the same bird songs, how the air smells, the way some rooms in the house get darker as the sun rises higher, muddy pawprints on the carpet, and excitement for the seeds I plant. And so much hope.

The full moon is coming up on Saturday, April 4 so here's wishing you a big circle of light and hope. xo


  1. just love your word creation with the rusty bits.

  2. Oh I adore that moon!
    The blossom looks so fresh and cheerful, fingers crossed you don't get snow to blight it

  3. Your violet moon softens the 'blood' moon rising....such beauty in your world....meanwhile don't miss the lunar might see it at 50 percent if you're lucky--

  4. The blossom photos are breathtaking! And I love the 'Violet Moon'...the wild violets are blooming here right now, and although I am looking forward to the 'Blood Moon', I am delighted with 'Violet Moon'. :)

  5. I miss stitching moon blocks too. And yes, everyone needs a moon quilt! Love you violet moon.

  6. Hi Peggy,
    Good idea to stop trying to "catch-up"...I love your blog, your very inspiring!
