my pages

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

reverence, obedience and the invisible

A little rosemary bookcloth is ready to go to work -- I love using cloth bookmarks, my paper ones always get mutilated. I just got the book and haven't actually started it yet but it looks promising. How can it not be wonderful --  by Alan Chadwick -- and with that title.

The pages in my calendar planner are wispy thin but washi-taped edges make them easier to page through. I thought the pile of freshly-washed and folded cloth looked like washi tape too when stacked just so.

Journal52 Week 11 is inspiration, my page is all about color. I'm just learning this about myself -- how lovely it feels to work with color, especially painting which is new to me. Trying to keep my inner critic out of it, she is such a pain. One thing for sure is painting page backgrounds will always be something to look forward to during this year-long art journaling project.

Today is a waning moon in the sign of watery Scorpio. Under Scorpio's psychic tendencies, we see how deep we go and what it is we want, especially what we want to end.

Deepening to see then.


  1. I love so much about this and the last post…the softened moon, glowing "flow", rainbow edges, and words of hope and going deep. I think I tell you this every year, but…the tulips are up, and they will always remind me of your Corty, and his rainbow filled mom.

  2. Cindy. Thank you so much for all this, but especially for telling me you are reminded of Corty. That means a lot and strikes an emotional response if you know what I mean. In a good way, like when someone is kind to you and you get teary, and you were very kind to me just now. Corty's tulips are up but not blooming yet, I check every day. Thank you, dear Cindy.

  3. The rosemary looks so real. Each time I have to study it to make sure you didn't just stitch a sprig to some cloth! I love stacking fabric like that too. It seems I like to pick fabrics to go together, maybe more than actually putting them together!! lol
    I like the edges you made. Isn't it nice to have something beautiful to look at when doing just regular tasks?! I once painted/collaged some of my file folders :)
    I love your sense of color on the journal page, so bold and beautiful!

  4. This watery waning moon is full of insights...deep. And your beautiful colors illuminate what is hopeful and fine. Blessings.

  5. Washi tape...well. I really thought you'd cut strips off those pretty folded fabric and stuck them along your journal. And I was impressed and admiring of your creativity and attention to detail. I still am, even when I now know it's washi tape. Lovely colour in your post.
