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Monday, July 28, 2014

a moon-making moonday

I can hardly believe summer is starting to wind down but the signs are undeniable. The crickets are chirping and the locusts are buzzing. Potato vines are drying up and remind me it's time to harvest garlic. A murmuration of starlings has been hanging out in the trees in our back yard. And the blue jays are singing their pretty song instead of squawking. I love the way it all sounds and looks and feels.

Moon-making is a monthly full moon ritual for me -- this year I am stitching mandalas with home-dyed wool -- 13 moondalas. July's moondala is a flower-bouquet-dyed moon on a dandelion-dyed background. Inspiration for thread colors was all around but that scrap of cotton stayed close by whenever I stitched.

Dyeing with flower bouquets has been a nice way to extend their enjoyment -- those red, pink, yellow and white rose dye-bundles will help me remember the occasion and the people, as well.

Today is a waxing crescent moonday in Virgo. As the moon grows fuller each night, so too do our wishes and visions grow. Now at the beginning is when they sprout tiny roots and begin to stretch toward the light. Things usually need a little extra care and attention at this point.

And whispering "grow, grow" can only help, right? xx


  1. They are so beautiful all together. Like this new knobby July Moondala :)

  2. Beautiful colours Peggy, I love the shape too.

  3. Peggy....a sonata for your moons

  4. Love all of your moondala blocks. The yellow one is gorgeous! They would tell so many stories every time to look at them. I so love the flower bouquets dyeing, but haven't done much of that lately - Hugs Nat

  5. You plant garlic much earlier than we do here! My sign is that the Japanese Anenomes are blooming. This month will go by so quickly...

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Nancy & Nanette, I've been noticing that shape a lot lately -- it was the center of a labyrinth I walked and also the center of a pendant that I was given.

    Michelle, loved the moonlight sonata with that big moon. For a while I thought that was a real pianist. :) I used to play that song and might have to dig out the music now.

    Nat, I hope I can remember all their stories. :) And from what I've seen, you've been doing some fabulous dyeing!

    Deb, oh I meant to harvest garlic. It is too early to plant here, too! ;) I'm going to correct that right now.

  7. Kaffe Fassett WOULD be one of your inspirations. Your moondalas and some of his prints could be cousins.

  8. What a great finish with you bouquet of flowers. Your moondala
    blocks are beautiful.

  9. Those yellow coreopsis have made an incredible fabric !
    Love the mandalas all together like that, such pretty, subtle shades...
