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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

stitching peace on earth

We recently hung a new Earth flag on our front porch but this web log is about the old one...the old flag went up a long time ago during one of the Iraq wars, I've actually forgotten if it was the first or the second. Since then it has weathered through I don't know how many wars, bombings, natural disasters, protests, and human-caused atrocities. I took it down a few times but sure as the sun rose each morning, along would come another event to make me feel helpless, and so back up it went. As you can imagine, the flag is faded and torn and I am mending it. 

First I created peace on Earth. Yes. Actually, I can. We all can. They say it begins with me though.

I am currently mending a long tear and next will be redoing the bottom hem so the sides don't hang wonky. I'm thinking about what other changes I'd like to see on Earth and might add them in the form of words or symbols. While chaos continues to stir up our planet, we each do what we can.

I am flower-gazing -- this orchid speaks of well-being in the face of imperfect conditions. This is her second stalk of blossoms in less than two years. I am drinking more decaffeinated Mexican coffee over ice and reading A Man Called Ove.

I am knitting myself into an alpha state. The sampler shawl grows line by line...those dropped yarn overs will lay nicely when blocked. The dogs love to sleep while I knit and I love to listen to their sleeping sounds while I knit so it all works out. 

I am hanging several strings of prayer flags. I am lighting candles as a reminder that we are all wondrous and amazing light beings here on Earth at this time for a reason. 

I am walking around our gardens over and over, dreaming and planning, making lists. I am visiting and feeding our bees who appear to be thriving. Buddha is a presence in the garden but there is also the Earth Goddess, St. Francis, White Tara and Mother Mary. And I love them all. 

In a state of openness, let's meet each other where we're at. And let's make us some peace on Earth. xx


  1. i've been wearing my peace earrings and my hope necklace more often these days. the colors in your shawl are so striking. is it a variegated yarn or are you changing colors?

  2. Your post brings me peace and hope. I've read a Man called I've and two other if just books. Good read😊

  3. Hi Deanna, I love that you wear peace and hope.
    The yarn is variegated but the skeins are each a different color way. The shopkeeper talked me into it, she thought it would be more interesting. So far, so good, I think.

  4. Helen, peace and hope go together...I think the word hope may have to be stitched on the flag as well!
    I'm not very far into the book yet but I can tell I'm going to like it too.

  5. Of course I'd love to see the whole flag at some point.
    Deanna, I'd also love to see your hope necklace! I have been wearing my "War is not healthy for children and other living things" necklace with new found Feeling! We are fighting many kinds of war, aren't we? Peggy, my homemade prayer flags are almost gone now!
    I will have to check out the book, as I've not heard of it before.

  6. Blessed be Thee
    Blessed be We

  7. for Nancy.....i just posted a pic on Instagram:

  8. I read this post yesterday and it became part of the day's weaving of hope and optimism. It takes effort. Hope and optimism. So thank you for that.

  9. We need all the help we can get with "Peace on Earth". Love your shawl, I'm sure it's a very peaceful, meditative time while you are working on it. Your garden sounds wonderful too. I'm so anxious to be in mine this summer.

  10. Sooooo happy that the bees are thriving. So happy.... Such scary news we hear, about their not doing so.

    Dare I be unsure of peace on earth? In a non-confrontational way of course. I just do not see mankind ever living in complete peace. I do not feel it is in our nature, to completely do so.

    Those who can, should, of course.

    But how does one sell peace on earth, to people who want to die, for their version of their religion? How?

    And how does, even a peaceful person respond, when those people, try to kill us, if we do not convert to their view's laws?

    How can there be peace on earth, for all peaceful people, while religious killers roam?

    Lovingly stated and asked, of course.

    Gentle hugs, Dear One,
    Luna Crone

  11. That sampler shawl is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love, love, love the selection of colors!!!!!!

  12. I love the idea of your peace on earth flags - that you hang them out side and let them be viewed by others and slapped around by the wind - that you mend them - I love that you mend them.

    This is a beautiful post. Thank you.

  13. Nancy, did you see Deanna's link to the jewelry in the comments here? My homemade ones from years ago are completely gone, time for me to make more too!

  14. Michelle, thank you for this, I'm sending it to some more women in my life. Blessed be thee and we.

  15. Dee, thank you -- yes, it's all just energy and morphs from person to person but Isn't optimism so much easier?

  16. Thanks, Kathy -- nice to knit something that's just a tad challenging. I am so ready for the garden but it's sort of weird to have spring arrive this early, I think it's at least a month ahead this year. Watch, we'll have a blizzard now. I saw that Michigan has had some severe weather, you and I are in extreme opposites.

  17. Thank you, Luna Crone, for your thoughtful comments! Yes, these are good things to consider -- I'm thinking peace as a state of consciousness and how we can all try for moments of that here and there throughout our day. And build on those moments of peace until we form new patterns within ourselves. And then our sons and daughters and friends see how we've changed and they change. And their children and friends change.....the 100th monkey effect, kind of.

    I guess it's all relative, right? -- like everything else in our world. Doing what we can.

    The shawl yarn is variegated so the wonderful sweeps of color just magically happen. Hugs back.

  18. Judy, thank you, I saw all sizes and colors of flags flapping in the wind in my mind's eye as I read your comment! The mending piece of it is from the heart. Xo

  19. Yes Peggy I did see Deanna's post. Lovely.

  20. your blog space is awesome, comforting and wonderful

  21. Just happened on your blog through the back door of someone else's. Browsing stopped with this post, so much to relate to. I will now follow along!
