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Thursday, February 23, 2017

a simple sewing project

A new member of our plant family is the lovely maidenhair fern. For some reason these ferns take a magic act to keep them alive for any length of time...they are ultra-sensitive to drying out and once that happens, it's over. I have been unsuccessful many times but hope springs eternal.

The simplest of sewing projects was to stitch layers of frayed cloth strips over the printing on a drawstring bag. The bag is generously-sized and nicely made, plus I have a weakness for cream and red together -- so definitely worth it.

The pattern for the knitted Sampler Shawl is here. It is a project where each row has its own directions. One row will have lots of yarn overs that are wound 'round the needle three times each and the next line will direct you to drop all the yarn overs. It's pretty wild.

Today's moon is a waning crescent, a dark moon. Now until the new moon on Sunday is when to clear things out, to breathe it out, wash it out, dry it out or sweat it out. I'm doing some clearing in the area of electronics -- to be on the inner-net rather than the internet. The last two nights I've gone to bed with a book instead of YouTube on my phone. Tiny house tours, vegan weight loss while living in a tiny house, weather phenomena, vision boarding, homesteading in Sweden...there is a YouTube video for everything and one leads to another and then another. I watched someone clean their house and then fold their laundry in fast motion while my own house and laundry and more lay in wait. I believe I have reached the saturation point.

Thanks for visiting and happy weekending to you. xx

Often the path that will bring us the most joy will need some clearing (source unknown).


  1. Oh Peggy, you had me laughing at the You Tube video subjects! Now I know where to go when I can't sleep :)
    Coming here is so beautiful and magic filled...and every time, new discoveries. I am grateful for the gift of you, wonderful you, in my life. (((hugs)))

  2. You Tube before sleep would stir my mind up too much, it's always a book for me.
    Though to finish one the other night I was reading till 4am!
    Couldn't put it down and leave it, thankfully it's half term here so I'm off work lol But I was tired next day none the less lol
    Can see now why my succession of madenhair ferns over the years have never lived and for years I'd think of them as Maidenhead ferns - till the penny dropped lol

    Lovely stitching on the drawstring bag, ads character to it and it looks far nicer :)

  3. Love the fern and the shawl. I feel the same way you do about ferns, love them, but can't seem to keep them happy. I don't even try in Montana as the air is so dry here. But the shawl...added to my Ravelry library.

  4. Ohhhh mercy!!!! I LOVE those crystals!!!!!!! Oh sighhhhhhhhh... I suppose you have collected them, over time. -sigh-

    Ahhhhh, last night was the Dark of the Moon! That is why I could see Venus, and other stars, but not the Moon!

    I realized I had not been watching my Moon Giant side bar thing. :-(

    Still time to c-l-e-a-n out. Goooood! I always have things, to clean out! -grin- We know it, but we don't do it.

    OK! I need to get going on what I know I need to..... Change.

    Thank you for reminding me!

    And since you are reading... Perhaps you would like to try the book, I post about today? It is delightful. A bit sad too. But mostly, delightful. Maybe???

    Luna Crone

  5. i watch some comedy on tv before going to bed....laughing seems to help clear the mind. love all your beautiful images. i have made that shawl you are knitting and i loved the variety of stitches. you have chosen some beautiful colors. mine is green and i wear it often.

  6. Hi Nancy, hey I was just getting started on those youtube videos!
    And thank you so much, the feeling is mutual...(hugging back)

  7. Lyn, you know what? I actually had typed out "maidenhead fern" but the penny dropped before I hit the publish button! Ha. Love it.
    Good thing you're on a school break, it must've been really good. In that case, it was probably worth it though... :)

  8. Hi Judy, thank you! I hope you have fun with it, I love the effect of the dropped yarnovers. Yes, low humidity is probably why maidenhair ferns don't do well here in CO either. They only sell them in the shops at this time of year when people are desperate for something green & pretty and are willing to take a risk. Like me. I just love that plant so much.

  9. Hi Luna Crone, I looked up the book and am adding it to my book list, thank you! Yes, some of the crystals have been with me a long time, but several are from Denver's annual Gem & Mineral Show last September. I can't wait to go back this year, my girlfriend and I had so much fun there. I'm still clearing, sorting, and washing the shelves in our basement too, about an hour a day, but will take a break at the new moon...I have never done this task before and it's actually pretty fun.

  10. Deanna, thank you, I remember when you were knitting the sampler shawl, I'm sure I got the pattern because you blogged about it. :)
    I used to watch Frasier at 10 every night, loved doing that. I was just talking to someone the other day who said the same thing about watching a comedy and then feeling so relaxed and ready to drift off...

  11. I intuitively must know the moons started a major clean out today �� Be it a book or a video (mostly a book) can keep me up wayyyy beyond what I should.

  12. In a 23 ft, trailer there isn't much to clean out, but I reorganized everything! Ah's up there with Facebook. In 2 months in this end of the road fishing berg, I have learned to look up at the stars and down at the wildflowers.

  13. A nice post...things I needed reminded of. And, of course, there's always great photography of pretty things to admire and to inspire. Now, I must get to clearing a few things out...

  14. maidenhair fern. i lost so many, i should try again.

  15. Ah Peggy, Your blog posts always delight my senses and fill me with hope. Your lovely colors scream out joy. thanks so much for blogging Janet Wright
