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Monday, February 23, 2015


We have almost 8" of snow and more to come this week. Like Garrison Keillor said on the Prairie Home Companion radio show the other day, I am in no way complaining, taking into account what Boston and other areas have just gone through. 

The view out the kitchen window (through the snowflake curtains) was dark and snowy this morning but even so, that little crystal dish garden gave my day the green light. One thing about snow days is you get to do what you really want to do and not what you think you should do. For me, that's been stitching a little, knitting more, reading the Outlander book Drums of Autumn, looking at seed catalogs, drinking tea all day long, and doing art stuff. Journal52's week 7 is valentines -- I changed one word of the Byron Katie quote, turning like into love. I really believe it and I don't think she'll mind.

On another note, I've already read twice today that February is the time to do early spring cleaning because its name is based on the Latin word februum, meaning purification. And purification is cleaning. It's all really very positive if one can only get in the right frame of mind to do it. 

Today is a waxing moonday in Taurus. As the moon grows into fullness, other things grow right along with it. It's one of those things that you don't have to believe in, it just sort of happens that way regardless. Our bodies absorb things better now (both nutrients and toxins) and we hold onto water weight more now too, have you noticed? This same principle applies to gardening -- the closer we get to a full moon, the more seeds will absorb and hold water from the soil. After the full moon things begin to swing the other way.

Thanks for visiting -- this quote makes me smile....and I do believe in miracles.

We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don't believe in miracles? 


  1. the snow makes everything look so festive and beautiful.

  2. Hi Deanna, it really does. Purifying, too!

  3. The snow looks beautiful, peaceful. I just wish I could reach in and move things about...get a better look at the birds card, see the whole of the old stove and absorb the paper flakes completely. Can you tell me more about the fence heads? Another relaxing visit at your place :)

  4. Lovely to look in on your lovely surround. here in our glass and stone canyon, not much snow sticks, but icy streets are a hazard to be reckoned with, as are the wind chill factors reading -9 tonight. I am grateful to be indoors, in a few soft layers of cloth, with some heat and light. February, much like January has been for me like a cave, a retreat, deep and solitary.

  5. I love the photo of your window with all the large snowflakes--are they paper or??

  6. Thanks, Nancy -- the heads are planters, waiting to regrow a new hairdo. :)
    I left a comment on your blog but think I forgot to prove I was a person. But I was there and love how your stitches evolved.

  7. Michelle, your description conjured an image of an ice castle, like in Game of Thrones. Or maybe a crystalline hermitage. :) Right and good to take a retreat...

  8. Thanks, Janet! I put the link in up there about the snowflake curtains. This is their 5th year hanging in that window.

  9. Wonderful Post! All the photos are gorgeous... and the quote at the end is lovely. I've been completely engrossed in art projects, and wish I could get the cleaning bug going. February is the perfect time to declutter!
