my pages

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


A January moonlit path has been made with glowing fern stitches -- meandering across 54" of linen cloth. Today is a new moon in the sign of Aquarius and I am changing my moon stitch ritual to begin on the new moon rather than the full moon. This way, the journey can flow and grow the entire moon(th) if that's what it takes.

Not sure if I'll stay with the brick & cross stitches up there because they look like ex ex ex ex. It's usually a filler stitch sequence, if I add another row it'll look more like itself. These first steps may take a while to get going.

Window is the prompt for week 6 of the Journal52 Project. My quote is from Rumi's Some Kiss We Want, the same poem I wrote on muslin cloth way back when. I'm using more paint now on these art journal pages and have a little more confidence with layering color and texture. I have lived my whole life until now without ever having experienced the feeling of painting -- not so crazy about my outcomes, but love the actual painting process. A wonderful discovery -- it's another new room in my dream.

A new moon is when to begin anew. To plant seeds and grow things. Both moonlight and sunlight are growing right now and I may have written them before, but I really like these words on Yogi teabag tags, "live light, travel light, spread the light, be the light." I've been saying it to myself a lot lately.



  1. i think your journal page is wonderful and love the Rumi quote. the new color added to your linen cloth is beautiful.

  2. I love the simple, beautiful with the colors.... Make a card from it!

  3. Peggy, your journal page is vibrant and so fine! Seeing the EX stitches made me think, ah, OK I think this year's mooning can grow on me!

  4. It all looks peaceful and serene Peggy. Love the Rumi quote too.

  5. Hello Peggy!

    Thank you for the nice words and images. it is to follow the moon a wonderful idea.
    A beautiful time , yours Katja
