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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

black loves green

The snowy photo was taken last week at 10:30 at night under a thick layer of snow clouds. No moon or stars visible but you could still see the colors of the bee house. Snowlight.

Lately I can't get enough of green on black. "Stop and smell the earth" for Journal52 was inspired by the prompt aromatherapy and the black and green cover of the book Sastun. After finishing the journal page I wanted more -- so first a bundle of rosemary was stitched on black linen, to be a little bookcloth, I think. And next up is a leaf patch. Green on black is addictive. Black loves green. And small is the best.

We're selling our antique New Home treadle sewing machine. New plans are afoot for the space it's in so it's time for someone else to enjoy it and maybe even do a little sewing. The embellishments are still beautiful, I'm taking plenty of photos to remember it by. The worn center medallion portrays a mother, a child, a dog and probably a treadle sewing machine.

Full moon on Thursday -- I'll be mooning (as Nancy says) with stitch. And pom poms. Just discovered the magic of chunky yarn and pom pom makers.

Happy week to you.


  1. Oh I read that book ages ago when I studied at the New York Botanical Garden, and also her herbal. What a beauty that machine is. Reminds me of my Mother's old Singer one on an elaborate scroll ironwork table, then converted to a portable box, now gone the way of all things--elsewhere. This Moon will be hard to see...days of rain, ice and snow still upon us. Even he concrete wearies of it, but I am an excellent recluse. If Spring can wait, then so can I.

  2. Your journal page is beautiful, hopefully soon it will be time to dig into the earth. I also love green and black.
    Happy full moon to you, have fun stitching. I'm still wanting to get back to moon stitching, enjoyed it so much.

  3. You're so right green and black are stunning! My electric machine is a New Home, which I had never heard of til I bought this one in 1980, for $75.00 on lay-away!! it has served me very well. For years it sat on a treadle base, which said New York in the rod iron legs. I thought that was cool because that is my birth state.

  4. oh i don't know how you can part with that treadle machine. i wish i still had my grandmothers but when my mother got rid of it, i was too young to realize what it would mean to me in later years....and yes black generates green all over the world in so many beautiful shades.

  5. Love that top photo! The green and black is just beautiful together.

  6. Hello and thank you all! I haven't sold the treadle machine yet, Deanna really got me thinking. :) So we're going to try it in the sewing room next .... xoxo
