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Monday, January 12, 2015

moonday origami envelopes

It's really dark out today, I've been following the light from inside the house as it moves across the sky -- for a while the kitchen was a good spot, then a bedroom, but now it's dark everywhere at 3 in the afternoon. We're not used to this here in Denver, Colorado where it's claimed to be sunny 300 days a year. In a smidgen of a way, I can better empathize with people and plants deprived of light.

The most recent issue of Flow magazine (from The Netherlands) has an article on making origami envelopes so I gave it a whirl. (A video is here.) I used some of the paper that came in the magazine (Flow always has extras tucked inside), some of my own paper scraps, and then some inside out privacy envelopes. Privacy envelopes are so worth saving -- they come in all different patterns in such lovely shades of blue. Who would've thought.

I haven't decided what to do with the moondalas yet but their edges need finishing so I'll be playing around with stitch and color for a while. Thus far, my ideas included making a little booklet, mounting them onto thick paper and framing, cutting them into hexagons for a honeycomb, and lastly piecing in a checkerboard pattern with other solids in between -- but none of these feel right -- either too busy or too plain. For now all 12 are pinned onto the front of a deconstructed white wool skirt -- if they stay on the skirt, I'd sort of like to use the waistband as a hanger. Suggestions are most welcome.

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Libra. Libra energy helps us to appreciate beauty, benefits all types of creative work, and is a good time to form partnerships and make agreements.

To beauty and peace on Earth. Sounds just right for a Libra moon day, doesn't it?


  1. love your envelopes. i have a box of envelopes i've made from magazine pages....or did i give them away....can't remember. but, i like this version and i will try it. thanks for the link.

  2. The inside-out of the privacy envelopes...what a good idea! I will just wait to see your moondala idea! But I did cringe a bit when you mentioned cutting them!! lol

  3. Moondalas--maybe you might want to get the out of their square shape. Use a cutout template and put it over each moondala to see if maybe they should be circles appliquéd onto a background in a non regular shape. Opportunities for embroidery around them to unify. Just an idea. I f you put a paper template over each one and arrange them--you can go back to the square idea without cutting if you don't like it. Janet Wright , San Juan Island Wa

  4. You could dye some wool with indigo, use it as a background and float your moons on it.
    Love you envelopes, always fun to play with origami.

  5. I love the idea of using the inside of privacy being my favorite color, it speaks to me. I was thinking maybe you could create a bunting with your moondalas. Perhaps you might shape them a bit differently but they would look spectacular hanging all together.

  6. Thanks, Deanna -- fun to make something that doesn't require any decisions!

  7. Nancy, yes, I sort of cringe when I think about cutting the mandalas, too. But hopefully, I can use what I cut (if I cut) on another project....

  8. Janet, thanks for the tip which I've already tried out! Have it pinned up on the wall, watching, waiting for it to speak now. :)

  9. Kathy, oh I like that idea of the indigo background, will play with that next. Thanks!

  10. Susan, that's a great idea, too. And I could do that at least until I figure it out. I'm probably going to do that. Thanks!

  11. I just happen to be a Libran.
    I love the envelopes and the moondalas.

  12. Hi Peggy...I bought that issue of 'Flow' magazine too (one of my favourite magazines!!!). Love those little extras and and going to make some envelopes too.

    Your mandala moons are gorgeous!

    Best wishes for 2015.

    Jacky xox

  13. Holly, thank you! (My sun sign is Cancer but my moon sign is Libra!)

  14. Thanks, Jacky -- I love seeing you again on Instagram!

    Flow....took the plunge and subscribed -- finally a magazine that takes more than an hour to go through, eh?
