my pages

Saturday, January 17, 2015

just beeing

It warmed up here today and as the temperature rose, I kept stepping outside to check for bee activity since I had just placed the syrup feeder on our beehive for the first time this winter. Not a bee in sight. Over and over I went out, but nothing. My heart sank and I feared the worst. I tried to remember when I'd last seen them -- four days, six days....? There were some tears as I talked myself into being okay with whatever had happened. Around 2 PM I had to take one last look (like looking at a car accident) and there they were -- out and about enjoying the sunny day! Not very many, but enough to have already cleaned off their front porch spic and span. Bees do this as part of their housekeeping -- they push out the (normal amount of) dead bodies and debris that can build up and block the hive entrance. My guess is that even though the temperatures were above 43 degrees most of the day, the windchill just made it too cold.

I've been stitching words and art journaling (Journal52 Week 2 is "just being") and playing around with the mandalas. My heartfelt thanks for your comments/suggestions on bringing the mandala project to completion, they are all so great. Maybe I'll have a clearer vision for 13 moondalas by the time of the next new moon.

That last line on the human beeing stitchery was one that Nancy left in a comment a while back. Thank you, Nancy, it's perfect.

I still need to write her name on the journal page, but the quote is by Susan Sontag:

Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.

Thanks for visiting -- we do all matter. 


  1. I love this, you have inspired me to start following the journal52 art journalling prompts, thank you!

  2. I love the idea of the circles (moondalas) cut out and placed on the lace. Janet Wright, Friday Harbor

  3. Hi Lulu, I fixed it -- thanks so much for coming by and really glad you like journal52 too. Just signed up for your moonthly letters!

  4. Hi Janet, I love it too -- I think I'm down to two possibilities and the circles are winning! :) Thanks again.

  5. I'm glad to know the bees are fine and out enjoying the sunshine! Great pages! I too started following journal 52 but haven't had the time to start in on the prompts. I'm hoping to get to it soon.

  6. We just commented today how many bees we are seeing on the rosemary outside the front door. Yay!!
    Aw, Peggy that is so sweet. I've never seen my words in stitch like that. It all looks great. Although I hesitate at the moondala cutting...the lace looks great :)

  7. Good news about the bees! I'm sure you were on pins and needles waiting to see what would happen. Your journal page is lovely and inspiring!

  8. My wife would enjoy seeing your stuff, and I think you would probably enjoy seeing her. She's a clothing button collector, and spends a heck of a lot of time making artistic arrangements.
