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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The little June mandala is blooming -- it's #6 of my monthly sewing ritual, 13 moondalas. A grape-dyed full moon on a raspberry-dyed background -- the French knots are in honor of a certain angelica plant blooming her heart out right this very minute.

Inside, the orchid re-bloom is still going well, six of the seven buds have opened. The plant-pick wrapped with beads in the background is from the garden store, am thinking about making a few myself though.

Outside, well for starters we had hail for dinner the other night, I've lost count of the number of times it's hailed this year -- but being smallish and it being early in the season yet, the garden has bounced back every time.

I braided a clump of young sweet grass -- collected one morning volunteering at a public herb garden. You can't let sweet grass escape its pot in a demo garden and I couldn't let it go to waste. It smells heavenly as it dries as well as when it smolders and smudges.

For some reason summer has a connotation of being slow and easy, but I'm finding it to be just the opposite. Maybe it's just not hot enough here yet.


  1. a beautiful mandala with striking colors. we are having a milder spring/summer so far and it's just wonderful not having to deal with the temps over 100. hope it lasts.

  2. Oh my goodness! I love your little tree stump altar with the lovely goddess. How are your bees?
    Lovely garden xoxo <3

  3. Another beautiful moon block, love the natural dyed wool you use for each block.
    You've been lucky with your gardens not being damaged from all the hail. Have a wonderful summer, I'm waiting for it to slow down also.

  4. Lovely mandala, beautiful colors (again). Your yard pulls me in...I could sit there forever :) And hail? Oh my.

  5. Oh I so agree about summer. There is so much to do...

  6. Every month I think "this is my favorite so far!" but then you make another one….love that it's on the fairy tale book. & the braid is beautiful, wish I could smell it.

  7. Thank you, everyone -- hope your June was wonderful. Around here, the bees and the garden and this little bit of stitching were all-consuming! xoxo

  8. I'm with Cindy -- each circle commands a kind of loyalty and then the next beautiful one comes along! everything here so lovely - except maybe the hail? what's THAT about?!
