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Monday, December 23, 2013

13th moon cloth

A 13th moon cloth is in the works, I found another one of my mom's crocheted snowflakes, so that was a sign. It's almost a miniature, I wonder if she ran out of thread. The mornings have been beautiful. A magic card came inside a package from Macy's -- I'm keeping the magic. The cold nights are beautiful, too.

Today is a waning moonday in Virgo, a time when we have a tendency to overdo ourselves. I say plan out relaxing activities from the get-go.

Wishing you happy days filled with beauty and magic! xoxo


  1. ah...such a relief to visit here...magic and beauty and calm prevail. Blessings of the season to you and yours. I'm so grateful for your posts. Thank you thirteen times!

  2. Magic is right! All here is so beautiful and calm...perfect for the season. Love the little darling snowflake :) And boy, oh boy that sky! Magic.

  3. Wishing you a magical week filled with wonder and awe. Be well and enjoy the holidays. Thank you for always being a bright spot in my world. xoxo

  4. lets hope the magic flows from your garden ( delightful!) and into and all round your families hearts : )

  5. I love your using your moms snowflake for your 13th moon block. Your going to miss making them next year (after you rest up).
    Your yard is beautiful, serene, and magical.

  6. the twinkling archway looks like a magical gateway to somewhere. This will be a glowing cloth for sure.
