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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

a snowflake nine-patch

I finished the snowflake nine-patch pillow just a little while ago. It took me nearly all day, I thought it would only be about an hour, but there's a lot of little edges on a snowflake. I had a nice time sewing and thinking about how much my mom would like seeing her handwork find new life. White cotton crocheted snowflakes, black linen, and a December calendar-cloth patch.

After years and years of drinking herbal infusion, I've started making two quarts at a time instead of one every day, saving time and mess. It took a long time, too long, to come to this.

My focus now is on the change in season and the turning of the wheel of the year. To better see the darkness, I've been stringing lights everywhere, more than I've ever done, I think. The snowball lights remind me of little moons.

Which, by the way, today is the full moon. When I was writing morning pages this morning, I accidentally wrote today is the fun moon.

Happy fun moon. xo


  1. ...and a happy fun moon to you too Peggy, a lovely accidental slip of the pen. Your home looks beautiful dressed all in soft lights. Snowflake cushion is a delight, it will be like leaning back against your mum.

  2. I may start to think of them as fun moons from now on as fun is very important to me at this point. I like that image of leaning back on her -- so nice, thank you.

  3. amazing your mom's craft was. Every one different. And all those lights..."to see the darkness better" Ha! May you always have light.

  4. The pillow is so striking! This moon seems particularly huge and majestic to me for some reason...maybe because the leaves are off the trees and so it is more visible...

  5. "Striking" is what came to my mind too! That first! It would make a lovely holiday card :)
    Your lights are so nice too. I'm lightless for now, gave 'em all away.
    Happy Fun Moon to you!

  6. "Fun" and joy have been a-visiting here, too, Peggy; thank you for the lovely photos and sharing. . .

  7. Those snowflakes are shining bright into my world, thank you Peggy! Love those old fashion decorations as well - Hugs Nat

  8. Thanks, Michelle, may you always have light, too! Some things can only be seen in the dark.

    Hi Suzanna, thank you -- it is a most spectacular moon, isn't it?

    Nancy, thank you -- hey, that's a really great idea. Maybe next year!

    Thanks, Chris! Where are you??? How are you???

    Hi Nat, I always enjoy seeing your decorations, too! :)

  9. Your snowflake pillow looks fairytale like. We've strung more lights through the house than usual. There's some some wiring work that needs done, this is turning out to be a much cheaper & prettier solution!

  10. I Love how you used your moms snowflakes, it's so nice you appreciate them.

  11. Your pillow glows. It is just beautiful!
