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Monday, October 21, 2013

moonday cloth and crow

After a summer break, the crows are back. Every  morning they roost in a big maple tree by the front door and call us until we toss out a handful of peanuts. Once in a great while they get an egg. We've got each other trained and there's something in it for each of us. They eat, we enjoy watching them. That's a velvet crow I started sewing a long time ago. I love velvet and I also love crows but realize that a lot of people don't. 

The October full moon cloth is underway. I tried this same background fabric for September but it wasn't right for that one. It's right for this one. 

Yesterday I picked all the marigolds I could find for drying, Calendula officinalis -- if the weather holds, there may even be more coming. Funny, I'd never thought of pot marigolds as being particularly hardy but I guess they are.

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Gemini. Waning moon energy helps us to let go -- that could mean finishing up projects, cleaning, cutting back, sorting, discarding, etc. Gemini is a mutable sign conducive to change and tolerance. More Gemini associations are socializing, brainstorming and other intellectual-type activities.

Wishing you a wonderful week. I'll be right here feeding crows and stitching moons.


  1. Peggy, I love that your little skull pouch became a crochet hook holder...I wondered what it was going to be for...Halloween candy maybe :)

    I love crows too, have a couple that hang around as I give them an egg too occasionally. Here's a crow story you might like....I have a friend who is a local Indigenous woman, and the crow to her represents a family member no longer with us. Whenever more than one or two crows congregate on the deck, making a great racket, I know to phone and check on her. It's only happened a few times, but each time she's been sick and needed help. Wonderful and spooky hey?

  2. love the hidden image in your moon cloth. i didn't have any luck with marigolds this summer.will try again in the spring.

  3. I love your October moon cloth. Calendula is one of those plants that I love to have in the yard. I have had them bloom all year in a mild winter year. Other years, they are toast and I have to reseed. The will reseed themselves, but I don't rely on nature being predictable. LOL!

  4. Nanette, I love your crow connection! It's awesome that you tune in to their message. Yes, a crochet holder today, who knows what tomorrow...;)

    Thanks, Deanna -- I know what you mean about the marigolds. The last few years they've done pretty well -- all from re-seeding. That must be it!

    Jeannie, thank you. I would love to get a few more weeks out of the calendulas! Will keep my fingers crossed, but this is sort of late already. I should be grateful for what I've got, right? :)

  5. You have the best stone collection. Your skull pouch is fantastic! I love the crows, too, especially in large groups shouting in a tree.

  6. The pouch turned out so cool! I laughed when I saw the skull rock in the rock 9 patch. And I think you are right, the fabric works very well for this month/season. As for crows, as a teen I couldn't stand their loud ways, but I've grown fond of them and often tell the guy that I wished I spoke crow. We have so many around here and they are always having very loud meetings!

  7. I think this is my favorite moon cloth, of course I liked them all.
    What are you going to do with your calendula? I've dyed wool fabric with them and got a pretty yellow (even though they were the orange flowers). I also know they are used to make a lot of different healing creams.
