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Friday, October 25, 2013

parsley salad

Regular life going on here. Eating, knitting, nesting. I love the green vibe of homegrown parsley salad more than anything in the world right now. A natural diuretic, it'll also make short order of any puffiness or bloating from water retention. Loving the boule, too -- a loaf of really good bread is a big deal for us -- with a thick layer of pasture butter spread on top. Oh my.

You can see the purple lady sweater has lifelines threaded around every so often -- but if you spot any mistakes, I probably don't need to know about them.

The acorns are headed for the dye-pot, courtesy of Nancy. What a treat to receive these beauties, bagged by location from her surroundings. I took lots of photos to remember them by, we just don't have acorns like these around here.

Houseplants are crowding out my other interests on the stacked-suitcase table. They love the southern exposure there by the glass block window. When I bring all the plants inside for the winter, everything gets crammed by the windows and it feels dark and crowded. After a while though, dark and crowded turns into cozy.

Thanks for visiting -- wishing you a cozy weekend. xo


  1. Thought of you when I saw this film, Peggy:

    It's GROUNDED and features the doctor who promotes "Earthing."

  2. Thanks, Chris! I just watched all three of that series -- great information. Going to walk barefoot today as it's nice and warm outside. ;)

  3. always good food to eat here. i'm knitting a lace shawl and have been using the lifelines. i'm sure i have mistakes in mine as well, but they would be very hard to detect so it's ok.

  4. Thanks, Deanna and thank goodness you posted on lifelines that time a while back. Or I would've given up by now on this sweater, it would be too stressful otherwise!

  5. The acorns look so warm and friendly! Glad you're enjoying them. I saw tree on that Sunday park walk that had some lifelines...I'll have to post it!

  6. What an amazing array of acorns! I didn't know they came in different sizes and shapes. You have been peeking in my house! I have been bringing in the houseplants and they create a green window treatment. You are so right about how at first they are a little much, but in a few weeks they make the area cozy and less wintery. Have a wonderful week!

  7. thanks for continuing to share the coziness of your world. that sweater is looking gorgeous, & the bread, too- did you make it?

  8. Thanks for the parsley salad recipe. We have a big bush of it still. I love green salad and this looks yum!
    Hugs Nat
