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Friday, July 5, 2013

the enough stone

I retraced enough and added the words i am to the other side of the stone. I'm focusing on the solar plexus chakra now, our center and the place of well-being, sense of purpose, will-power, and self. Enough is still a good message.

Our front porch walking surface is pink flagstone, a local resource, and this fossilized section is the centerpiece. It's so beautiful and I walk on it many times every day without even noticing it. If ever one of my dyeing projects produces these colors, it will be a base to embroider these same little leaves -- they look like evergreen needles to me but who knows.

A bedspread hangs on the back fence under draping grapevines -- makes a nice backdrop for the larkspur-gone-wild. And there's a wonderful outdoor reading spot all ready for an equally wonderful book, I just have to give myself permission to go there.

Realized that I've read two books with the same title literally within weeks of each other. One was Life After Life by Jill McCorkle and the other was Life After Life by Kate Atkinson and both were released this year. I think it had something to do with ordering online from the library and they both came in? My favorites so far this summer though are The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman (loved) and We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler. Now back to non-fiction for a little while.

Thriving, fragrant tulsi, or holy basil, Ocimum tenuiifolium, is ready to be made into a healing oil. The aerial parts will be placed in a jar and covered with olive oil.

Thanks for coming by and happy weekending. You are enough. xx


  1. Oh Peggy, your place is like a retreat asking for one to rest and relax. The stone writing is wonderful, both in text and sentiment. I love larkspur. It will not grow here, so I buy a bouquet frequently. Your's is such a beautiful blue. The reading area looks like it would be good for stitching, too. I love the flagstone. Perhaps ancient evergreen needles were laid down as it was forming? A treasure to view and walk upon. I am totally smitten. Wishing you many hours of reading/stitching in the cool shade.

  2. Oh, more than enough I'd say :->

  3. Jeannie has left a new comment on your post "the enough stone":

    Oh Peggy, your place is like a retreat asking for one to rest and relax. The stone writing is wonderful, both in text and sentiment. I love larkspur. It will not grow here, so I buy a bouquet frequently. Your's is such a beautiful blue. The reading area looks like it would be good for stitching, too. I love the flagstone. Perhaps ancient evergreen needles were laid down as it was forming? A treasure to view and walk upon. I am totally smitten. Wishing you many hours of reading/stitching in the cool shade.

    Jeannie, thank you so much! Yes, stitching as well as reading. ;) Since we have such similar climates, it's so interesting that we still each have plants that won't grow in both places. It's a mystery.

  4. that flagstone is fabulous. i see lots of beasts grazing.

  5. Peggy...yes exactly...a retreat (underline the 'treat' part of that!)
    Reminds me of the work of Brene Brown, and others. Yes, we are enough, It is enough...we have enough...
    So good to remember this. Love the stitched enough circle :)

  6. oh, your place! what you are creating! the indoors! the outdoors! the symbolic! the actual! You have such a unifying vision, and it is wonderful to visit here and see how it is expressing itself this week.

    The 'good enough' stone resonates with me... I once (20 years ago?) made a little sign with those words on it and I still have it upstairs.

  7. a friend & i were just talking about "enough" & how it would change everything if we believed it. there was a TED talk about this too... thank you for the inspiration.
