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Monday, July 1, 2013

staying-put moonday

A June moon cloth is laid out and I've put down the tapestry needle to pick up the sewing needle. That's a little piece of citrine holding the moon down. On our table, the drum and other sound makers from a belated Summer Solstice celebration over the weekend. Like a still-life -- I think I'll leave them there for a while. The red lady is complete, her center a talisman of ruby, pomegranate and rose to strengthen qualities of the root chakra -- strength, courage, stability. It's a mighty nice feeling to have finished something. 

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Taurus. Taurus orients us back to the physical and the practical -- things begun or worked on under Taurus are usually long-lasting and may even increase in value. Patience and stability are keywords now -- the more stable, the more comfortable. You might not want to budge. 

I've been reading and thinking about the Elements, how they lend themselves to us, how we can't really own or control them. Fire is lending itself right now in various places in the Southwest in the form of forest fires and extreme temperatures. It's hard to watch, it seems out of balance, but then again maybe it's creating balance instead. I don't know.

Hoping you are safe and comfortable and can stay put right where you are, if you so choose. 


  1. Love that bright and lush moon cloth!
    I was thinking of the Phoenix after reading what you said about the fires. Lets hope something good rises from the fire trauma.
    There are places where vegetation burns but it enables new growth to emerge aren't there.
    I guess its similar when English straw stubble is burnt back but then ploughed back in the soil.

  2. oh me too. that June cloth is bright and beautiful.

  3. Thanks, Lyn -- I'm glad you thought of the Phoenix. It helps to remember things like that. I think there are some seeds that actually need to be burned before they can sprout.

    Deanna, thank you. June was a big beautiful month!

  4. Happy 4th July week! xo
    Love your red woman goddess
    Love the drum :)

  5. I am feeling very content to 'stay pu' - am quite the hermit anyway! I'm taking time out from my thrice-weekly exercise classes and gardening instead. It brings peace to my heart and joy to my soul! Not a bad combination! I always love your images, but your top one here just makes me want to spend hours examining it! ....and your red woman is too wonderful!


  6. Peggy~ That newest moon cloth is a Real Keeper!! Love the brightness and the colorful moon!
    The still life is beautiful...I love the hand-held rhythm instruments...especially ones from nature. Makes me feel like I too can play!
    The red lady is one of your best creations ever. I love her :) She looks just right next to the gourd!

  7. You always inspire. :) The new moon cloth is wonderful. I love looking at the beginning and then seeing the final piece. The moon cloths change so much with your stitching. Red lady - a treasure! There are seed who must go through a fire in order to germinate - the mind is blanking on which ones. Wishing you a quiet, peaceful, and cooler week.

  8. Such joy in seeing the red lady dancing with the shaker! I love how the citrine looks on that moon. & glad to have a reason not to budge!

  9. Hi Marie -- and thank you!

    Judy, thanks -- hey, my exercise is walking the dogs and gardening. Although I'm thinking about starting up yoga again, too. We'll see. ;)

    Nancy, oh you should've been here for the Solstice party! Thanks about the red lady. :)

    Cindy, she can shake it up with the best of them. Thank you!
