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Friday, January 25, 2013

woolen owl pennant

The listening owls have been in hibernation in a dark closet for a long while. But it's time now for me to be reminded of this message every day again.  I used the owl pennant pattern here at Moonstitches -- inactive at present, but still very much worth visiting. They consist of scraps of wool, linen and vintage buttons -- soft and sweet.

I gathered most of my smaller stones and crystals together. Following some of the meditations and exercises in the book Sacred Stones and Crystals, I hope to listen to and discover connections with this realm of Earth called the Stone People.

The 13 Moons have finally found their way onto a wall in the sewing room. Home at last.

Thanks for coming by and happy weekending. xx

I'll begin stitching a moon cloth this weekend in celebration of the full moon on Saturday. I'd love you to join me with your full moon art -- stitching, writing, photography, knitting, etc.! Just leave a link in the comments anytime over the next two weeks or email me a file to be posted on the drawing down the moon page (on the sidebar).


  1. What fun owls!! theyd make cute little xmas decs too surely, individually or as a banner!
    The stones look inspirational......I can imagine the well being they offer...must find you a couple more hole-y stones to integrate for this new year.
    The canvases look really impressive hung that way x

  2. oh those owls are the cutest. and i love how you arranged your moons.

  3. Yay!!! Love seeing the moons all together on the wall! Beautiful :)
    The owls are so darling and carry such a good message...important. And what a nice collection of rocks etc.
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. I love seeing the moon paintings all together...quite a chronicle!

  5. I can always count on you for an inspiring and up lifting post - thanks! I love the stones gathered together. I wonder what it is about stones/rocks that draw me in? The owls not only are adorable, but their message is so important. I spent some time out in the cold gray day yesterday. I wanted to listen and determine how many different bird chatter I could hear. I never did count, just listened. :) Your moon paintings gathered together are fantastic! They are so cohesive as a group and beautiful. Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

  6. i just love this owl pattern! i have a few owl pennants hanging about that i made when i first found that pattern. yours are lovely and i love the "eyes"!

    your moon painting arrangement is divine!

  7. You are wonderful... and so are the owls and those beautiful stones and crystals you have collected.x

  8. ... and your full-moon art. It looks wonderful displayed together like that.x

  9. My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your nice comments. xo

  10. I love all your moons displayed together, what a beautiful display and so many stories it tells.
    I also love owls and yours are too cute and what a great message.
