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Monday, January 28, 2013

moonday cloth

Frayed edges seem to be everywhere. The January moon cloth is symbolic on many levels because over a lifetime, lots of edges become frayed, and not just cloth. Boundaries, borders, and behaviors -- friendships, relationships, and so on. If they are to last, they need attention -- shoring up, reinforcing, patching, preening. And once they start becoming so worn that they're no longer useful, decisions need to be made. Keep or let go.

The house is part of an eco-dyed silk shirt cuff; the eye is the buttonhole, inspired by Spirit Cloth; the door is black bean-dyed wool; the moon is the unraveling of a crocheted stone cover; the snowy mountain is part of a dresser scarf from Lyn; and the background linen is about 4" x 6". I am looking forward to strengthening these frayed edges with stitch.

Today is a waning moonday in the Earth sign of Virgo. Virgo time brings clarity and organization. If I find myself making lists of lists, then I pretty much know the moon is in Virgo. Other Virgo qualities are discerning, hard-working, analyzing, and patience. And this is also a great time for bargain-hunting, maybe even making a list beforehand. I once knew someone who wrote up a list of the exact things she wanted before thrift-shopping or yard sale-ing, and had great success.

Virgo affects the part of our digestive system that includes the intestines, the spleen and the pancreas. A focus or treatment for problems in those organs may be more effective now. Lastly, along with the Virgo hard-working impulse, comes a tendency to overdo -- so we must pace ourselves.

Wishing you a beautiful week. xx

I'd love you to join me with your full moon art -- stitching, writing, photography, knitting, etc.! Just leave a link in the comments anytime over the next two weeks (before the next new moon) or email me a file to be posted on the drawing down the moon page (on the sidebar).


  1. I love this little moon piece. It has such personality! The glowing candle reminded me that the sun does exist, just hidden again today. Off to make lists! LOL! I should be organizing the house, but it is too gray for that. Wishing you a beautiful week.

  2. I love your moonday cloth. So many sentimental items involved....and I agree, relationships need attention, just as a treasured garment does.

    And thanks for explaining to me why I am so darned list-oriented and organized right now! It is totally unlike me!


  3. Peggy~ This one is lovely :) So, will 2013 be the year of the little calendar house & the full moon? I'm picturing it and loving it already!

  4. where oh where do my comments go????
    love your little winking house with its blue door & great repurposed moon. & yesterday i went on & on about how wonderful your paintings all together are- that they represent such movement...and the adorable owls, oh my. hope this one makes it to you....

  5. Hi Jeannie, glad you like it. I posted that photo of the candle because it reminded me of the sun, too -- we're on the same wavelength! It's snowing here now and probably not any sun tomorrow. I wondered if you had any earth signs in your astrological chart? That may account for your love of stones. :)

  6. Hi Judy! Thank you and hey, enjoy those wonderful Virgo tendencies while they last!! ;)

  7. Thank you, Nancy, and you're right, it's looking like calendar/house/moon cloths this year. Nice to have a framework in place, you know?

  8. Hi Cindy -- oh shoot, I wonder why that happens. I'm so sorry but also so glad this one made it through! Thank you for trying again and for the kind words. ;)

  9. What a delightful piece. It makes me happy.

  10. It looks like it's going to be another great year of full moon blocks and stories. I love your house, calender and moon.

  11. Gosh what a delightful idea for this year........moon day cloths.
    Thrilled to think a little UK fabric fragment forms a part of it too.
    Love the crochet moon especially!!
