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Friday, January 11, 2013

full moon art

One little 4" x 6" moon cloth that I'm thinking might someday be part of a 13-moon border on a larger piece. I absolutely loved making it.

My hope for this next full moon art series is to begin stitching a cloth on the full moon and finish it before the following new moon. And today is the new moon so it worked.

13 itty canvas paintings from the last 13-moon series all together now in the collage. I have some ideas on how to frame and hang the actual itty canvases but things haven't quite jelled yet. 

And good weekending to you. xx


  1. hello,

    your moon cloth is charming as charming gets! will you be making one for every full moon?

  2. A little person holding the charming :)
    And I adore finally getting to see all of the itty bitty moons together! You are one talented lady!

  3. all the moon pieces are charming...and 13 is a magical number.

  4. I absolutely love looking at it!

  5. Peggy this little moon cloth is is just delightful. Clever idea to start on the full moon and have a goal to finish by new moon...I seem to start mine either the day before or on, then feel rushed to finish, and then sometimes they just get left behind as other things take over. I must organise myself better. A cool and moist Pisces here today, a blessing after days of heatwave, but still hot and burning in other places...I'm praying our Pisces weather blows there too.

  6. They do look great together and a years worth of moon watching, what fun!

  7. Oh and... that wonderful little moon cloth........If you had taken the days off the could have made a moon cloth monthly banner! It would be eternally correct without the days on lol

  8. Your moon art all together is beautiful. Great ideas for each moon (I still love the girl with her hair flying straight out). Looking forward to seeing this years full moon blocks!

  9. Thank you, everyone! You don't know how encouraging your comments are. Or maybe you do. ;)

    Tammie Lee, yes, I hope to make one for each of the next 12 moons. If you'd like to join in, you don't have to make something for every full moon -- it's really just moon-by-moon, when you feel like it.

    And Lyn, that is such a good idea, I think I might do that -- you know, make a banner with them. At least until all 13 are completed. Thanks!

  10. Hi, Peggy; I finally used the little cut-apart calendars on a project you may like to see on my new space. . .

    Thanks again for your inspiration!


  11. Chris, I was just over at your new place! It's wonderful!
