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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

sun calculating

According to a sun calculator, the sun rose at the same time this morning as the previous 11 mornings, but each day has risen a little higher on the horizon. So today is the day. There are only a few times in the year when the sun beams through the glass block niches by our front door.  When it happens, I love how light bounces off the walls of the normally-dark foyer. So this is what you see when you come through my front door today.

A little sign made by my youngest when she was about eight years old. It may be rightfully hers but I'm keeping it -- I think it's been grandfathered in by now.

And when you get yourself all the way in and turn around . . . well, it doesn't take that much to make me happy sometimes. Are you noticing this around your house, too?


  1. oh yes...late afternoon the light plays with the crocheted piece on a high window in my kitchen and sometimes there are also gorgeous rainbows. love the design/pattern your light has created.

  2. Deanna, I remember when you showed that on your blog! -- the changing light is such a treat. Imagine the wonder in earlier times....

  3. I leave work at 4.30 and where it was good and dark outside, this past week each evening has been just a little lighter with even bird song in the trees! A sure sign the days are lengthening.........bring it on!
    I can see why you love the fractured wisps of light and colour.....beautiful!

  4. Hi Lyn, thanks -- love that we are seeing (and hearing) the signs of change. Maybe we're doing something right after all? ;)

  5. Beautiful, Peggy---and, yes!---the rainbows are back around our house (from prisms hanging in the kitchen window). Thanks for showing us your own lighted-delights!

  6. I had an awesome sunlight ride to work this morning! We had a crystal in my old classroom and at certain times of the year the sun would hit it just right...we'd give it a spin and there'd be rainbows dancing all over the room! The babies/toddlers loved it!
    I love your entry and it does feel very welcoming!
    I have my daughters clay mobile of the 4 seasons, made in the first grade. It has hung in my bedroom ever since! :)
    Happy longer days to you my friend.

  7. What a sweet little welcome sign. I love the things my children have made for me..they are my treasures.
    The sunlight streaming through your entryway would make me smile too! Love your red door and vases in the tiny windows...very cheerful!

  8. Oh how I love the yellow sunshiny welcome sign, just gorgeous.
    I love light streaming in through windows, it makes me very happy indeed.xxxx

  9. It's so lovely entering your home Peggy. I love that red door. I would like to have red door when we build our beach house. That yellow sign is so welcoming. Thanks for inviting us into your lovely and warm home - Enjoy

  10. this reminds me of a wall of windows in a museum in venice- but the vases were all blue. so pretty. our house is very shaded, but there are moments in the morning when the sun can blind with bright if you sit in the right spot to soak it in.
