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Monday, August 27, 2012

easy does it moonday

Every night and every morning, I step outside for a moment. Last night I saw an egg-shaped moon against a dark blue sky with clouds racing over and around it. This morning I saw the same thing on a little garden altar. Some stone moon stitching is in the works already.

Checking the bindweed color in the iron dye-pot, the other bindweed dye-pot has an alum mordant. Making and freezing one batch of tomato sauce -- a little homemade Kuan Yin prayer flag there in the tomatoes. Knitting one orange hexipuff (thank you for the color suggestions a few weeks ago on the beekeeper's quilt).

Today is a waxing moonday in work-oriented Capricorn. Earthy Capricorn is usually ambitious and motivating -- so much so that we might expect more from ourselves and other people than is reasonable. When I spiral down that pathway, it's pretty much a sure thing that someone will disappoint me, and that someone is usually me. So today, it's one thing at a time and hopefully tasks that I can actually accomplish.

Capricorn rules the bones, skin and knees and may enhance healing treatments for those parts while at the same time flare-ups might occur. I'm seeing that Capricorn days and knee problems are eerily synchronized.

In the garden, this is a good time for planting seeds and harvesting crops, especially ripened fruit -- fruit is thought to have a stronger life force and stay juicier longer now.

The month of August began with a full moon and also ends with a full moon. The blue moon is Friday and I'm feeling the stirrings of some full moon art. I'm pretty sure it will involve the color blue! If you feel inclined to ritualize the celebration and fulfillment of this full moon by making art, please join me. It can be anything -- stitching, drawing, photographs, writing, knitting, weaving, etc. -- just leave a link in the comments of my full moon post or send me a photo or file for the drawing down the moon page on the sidebar.

Now let's go easy on ourselves today.


  1. Love the shadow from the stone on the slate! we have rain by way of a change so well ber lucky to see any moon riding high up there....but Im hopeful never the less lol
    I bought the hexi puff pattern and still havent made any day though!

  2. Sweet,gentle post Peggy. I love Kwan Yin in amongst your tomatoes! Who is the half seen statue on your altar? I hope to do some blue moon art, it sneaks up so quickly I'm usually stitching after the fact.

  3. you notice so much. love the moon rock & shadow.
    i had forwarded the "where is matt?" video to a friend & she sent this link to matt & the possibility of joining him someday.

  4. love the moon rock. that orange hexi really makes the whole thing pop. love it.

  5. Thanks, Lyn -- hope you get a glimpse between rain showers...well, the hexipuffs earned me some ridicule at the yarn store last week. The clerk acted like I was crazy. She compared them to making yo-yo's and what a waste of time. I was thinking what's wrong with making yo-yo's? I guess I should've spoken up and gone elsewhere to spend my $$, but I didn't. I can't believe I just took it and then gave her my $$. Crazy. ;)

  6. Thanks, Nanette -- and that's Tara there. I hope you make some moon magic, your stitched moon pieces have been wonder-full!

  7. Thanks, Cindy -- and cool, I'm going to check that link out!! Wouldn't that be fantastic?

  8. Thanks, Deanna, I think it was your suggestion! It really feels right. :)

  9. My job involves merchandising product and my favorite "trick" is throwing a pop of color in and red is my favorite color to use when I can. The touch of orange you used for your hexipuff looks fabulous! : )
    The book I am reading has really opened my eyes about just being in touch with the earth and you mentioning stepping outside even for a moment is a good way to connect if only for a few minutes....I like that!
    Love your Kuan Yin prayer flag...
    xo <3

  10. Your orange looks like dark red on my computer. And that is a nice addition :)
    Long ago in a very broke period, I stopped giving my hard earned $ to people like that or causes I couldn't support or things/places/people that did not feel good or respectful to me. It was amazing how good that simple choice felt. I never looked back. It turned out to be a standing my ground that I could do and I felt proud of myself.
    Your garden and small artifacts (outside and inside) are always so interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    I half expected to read something about the Capricorn shoulder, since I slept on mine wrong and it's been bothering me all day :)

  11. We are spending the week on a pristine lake in New Hampshire. I am hoping for clear skies for the full moon, and hope to photograph its reflection across the water.
    Loved your post, as always!


  12. Hi Marie -- thanks, it seems to do the job. Now I need to figure out where to put the blue hexipuffs, maybe along the top edge. Going outside for a few minutes morning and night is easy this time of year, when it's cold out, a different matter...;)

  13. Hi Nancy, hope your shoulder is better! Yes, I've thought more about it more and wonder if I want to go back there even though it's the closest shop to me. The clerk was new, I'll have to give her that. Or should I call/email the owner and tell her at the risk of being remembered next time and possible future discomfort? Stuff to think about. It's such a disappointment when something like that happens and I question why it even happened in the first place....was it me, something I put out, etc.....and it is a reddish orange, your computer is fine. :))

  14. Hi Judy, oh have a wonderful week and I do hope you get some good photos -- then we can all reflect on reflection! -- and thank you!
