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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

out of the dye-pot: oak leaves

The results of the first batch of oak leaf dyeing. I say first batch because I'm just sure it can go a few more rounds if I pour the liquid back into the jar of oak leaves to steep some more -- maybe adding some new leaves as insurance. I adore the color. And I love those gorgeous leaves in the jar up there.

I need to get myself to a yarn shop asap for some white wool sock yarn...a project in the conception stage...too early to talk about, don't want to jinx it, ya' know.

P.S. I'm experimenting with larger photos, is it a pain for them to load?  


  1. no problem for me with the large image. good color from the oak. I use the oak leaves over and over in the dye pot and just keep adding to it.

  2. I love dyeing with oak leaves. They give that warm tan to beige and brown. I will get into it first thing next autumn - love how your woolen turned out - Hugs Nat

  3. Your photos load well, no problems and your photos are beautiful!

  4. Love the oak-color! Our oak leaves are so different, I'll have to post that.
    Photos load quickly for me and love that I don't have to TRY to zoom now that blogger is using this unfortunate new system. I may have to try it on my blog! Thanks for the tip :)

  5. Thanks, Deanna -- good to know that it can be reused for a while!

  6. Nat, what a treasure oak leaves are. I had no idea. What would the green ones do, I wonder?

  7. Thanks, Michele. Just playing around with them. Either they're too small or too big, I'm never satisfied. ;-)

  8. Nancy, thank you -- I think I know what you mean, most are not quite so pointy-edged like these?

    As I just told Michele, I'm never satisfied with the photo options that blogger has. When they're small, they're really small, when they're extra large, they're TOO large! ha.

  9. I want to play around with the oak leaves too. Missed out on the autumn leaves, but have now found an oak tree near home that I will be fossicking around and collecting for my dyeing.
    Need to find a walnut tree next!!!

    No problem with the loading of your blog with the bigger photos. all good.

    Jacky xox

  10. No problem with photographs loading.

    I could imagine nothing more wonderful than dying some beautiful yarn or cloth with oak leaves. Truly

  11. they loaded just fine and look great!
    Id say the oak leaves are a success lol

  12. I just spent an hour catching up on the last month of, you've been busy!

    I love the rich color in this batch of you have specific plans for any of it?

    I've been dyeing with the black walnut harvest. We had a huge crop this year so I have many 5 gallon containers steeping in the back of the garden. I brought a jug of it to the studio today and when I opened it I almost passed out! phew, what a stink. I quickly through in some wool yarn and put the cover back on...I'll tend to it outdoors on a warmish day.

    Your blog looks great and the larger pics were no trouble to load.

    Happy Nov to you...Shishi

  13. Jacky, I need to find a walnut tree, too! I was wondering if new, green oak leaves would do something -- in 6 months you'll be trying the brown ones and I'll be trying the green ones!

  14. Thanks, Trish. Am going to dye some more yarn this weekend. Fingers crossed.

  15. Thanks, Lyn. Just wanted to try it out. The big photos are a little "in your face" so maybe just once in a while from now on!

  16. Shishi! Always fun to catch up on blog-reading but it does take up time, doesn't it? I'm going to have to find a walnut tree around here, I know they grow here, just haven't bumped into one yet! I'll be looking forward to seeing your results. Did you have that new grandbaby yet? I have one coming the end of this month...

  17. Love how your oak dyed things turned out. I always toss a bit of yarn or some roving into a new dye bath just to see...

    I think your photos would only be a problem for someone with dial-up.

  18. Thanks, Deb--now the only problem is I hung that yarn somewhere around the house to finish drying and can't find it! Weird.
