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Monday, October 31, 2011

all souls moonday

My family gathered yesterday for our version of Day of the Dead/All Souls Day. We created a family altar with photo-decoupaged candles and more photos and mementos of loved ones gone on. I enjoy skulls and skeletons but they can't be on the family altar, they are kept separate. The twelve of us watched football, crafted, cooked, and ate some of the favorite foods of our beloved dead. Part of our tradition is to release something from our lives that we no longer need or want. We write it on a piece of flash paper and one by one we light it and whoosh, it's gone. Then we have chocolate cake.

Today is a waxing moonday in Capricorn, appropriately affecting the skeleton, knees and skin. Work-oriented Capricorn helps us to be focused and persistent -- its vibe might just be the perfect jump-start for this new week.

Lots of clean-up to do here...


  1. Very cool! I got a kick out of seeing Grandmother and Grandpa - she looks so stern, but she was the kindest, most gentle woman ever. And Grandpa - how handsome he was. I still miss them both, along with Mom - what a pretty young woman!

  2. They feel very close right now. xo

  3. I love your little vignette in the wooden box.
    I agree...I love the little skulls and such.
    lovely candelabra.
    It is nice to keep photos of loved ones separate.

    Happy all souls day <3

  4. Great tradition to carry out - I enjoy it - Hugs Nat

  5. I love your tradition! How fun and meaningful to share that time with 12 important people!

  6. love your images and inspiration for family sharing. i've always meant to get my act together for day of the dead, you've got some very doable ideas here...maybe next year...

  7. Trish, Marie, Nat, Cindy and Nancy -- thank you all -- this has become a cherished tradition for us. A time of acknowledging endings and letting go, once again. xo
