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Thursday, November 3, 2011

herbal ritual: fire cider

Making Fire Cider in the fall is one of my favorite herbal rituals. Fire Cider helps ward off cold or flu, decongests head colds or sinus problems, and can be used as a daily warming tonic for bouts of sluggishness. There are many versions, but, as near as I can tell, it originated with Dr. John R. Christopher years ago. You can deduce from its ingredients that the name is right on.

Fire Cider

Into a pint jar, put 1/4 cup grated or finely-chopped horseradish root, 1/4 cup grated or finely-chopped ginger root, 1/8 cup finely-chopped garlic, 1/2 cup finely-chopped onion and a pinch of cayenne. Fill the jar with ACV (apple cider vinegar), steep for 6-8 weeks, strain and bottle. Store in a cool, dark place.

Be sure to use a plastic lid or place a layer of plastic wrap or wax paper between the jar and lid if using metal -- vinegar corrodes. Fire Cider can be used in recipes or just add a spoonful to a glass of water and drink it down.  I've even heard of people taking shots of this! Honey can be added, too.

Some years I've been able to use garden horseradish, garlic and onion but this year the only ingredient from the garden was horseradish. It's true -- once you plant horseradish, you have it forever.

Also posted over at Food Renegade and Sunday School at Butter Believer. Check them out!


  1. Hi Jude -- oh yeah! I just crave that sometimes...

  2. sounds as if it might take off nail varnish too lol

  3. It's the Martha Graham quote that grabbed me since I read it for the first time this past weekend at a poetry retreat I attended, and here it is again!

    But fire cider sounds potent, too. . . Thanks!

  4. Trish, it's tasty and slightly addictive...if you like hot stuff!

    Lyn, well I may have to try that on someone sometime. ha!

    Chris, I love the Martha Graham quote, too -- it gave me the courage to blog -- and I wonder what other wonderful things she wrote, will look. The fire cider is effective, I can attest to that!

  5. This is a really great concoction, and as you say the name is right on! Very spicy, and when mixed with honey it can soothe a sore throat like nothing else. I take a little bit every morning, much better than coffee. If you can't wait the 6-8 weeks for it to steep, check out They have a tasty, handmade organic blend from the Berkshires.
    Thanks for the article!

  6. Sounds like a perfect remedy. I have used cayenne and apple cider vinegar plus water and maple syrup or just cayenne or apple cider in water...
    very useful.

  7. Marie, oh that sounds good -- maple syrup. Yum! Thanks for that tip.

  8. Whoah! That's intense! Yeah I could see that knocking a cold right out! I rarely get sick anymore, but I definitely struggle with the occasional "sluggishness." I'm sure this would perk me up!

    I'd love for you to come share this post at our new blog carnival, Sunday School! It's up right now if you'd like to come stop by!

  9. Emily, thanks -- I'll do that this Sunday!

    I've been sneaking a spoon of fire cider now & then, just to see how the brew's coming along, you know! Love it.
