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Monday, June 13, 2016

healing and magic

Chamomile flowers are drying for plant magic and plant healing -- Linda Rago says that magic and healing are interchangeable concepts because they are both the result of a conscious shift in energy. I like thinking about creating some fragrant chamomile magic.

My friend Dulcy over at dulcysdoorstep and I just did a trade -- one of her gorgeous hand-dyed & hooked wool Midnight Garden bags for a June calendar moon cloth. I'm pretty sure I came out on top of this one. To me that vintage button closure is a golden honeycomb moon...I love everything about this bag.

Roses are the heart of healing and magic...Gertrude Jekyl is my favorite variety for our climate and location, they always do well, if not in quantity they make up for it in size and fragrance. This first batch will be dried for either healthy heart infusion or a milder self-love tea.

Oh, if I had known that a person can take notes like this, I would've been a much better note-taker my whole life long. By the time I've worked through this little book, the page will be completely full of brick notes. I refer to old notes from herbal seminars, lectures and classes fairly often -- and have always wanted to type them out to make them neater and easier to read, but brick notes will be even better. Think of all the facts, ideas and interesting phrases that could be brick-noted. I have never been a highlighter, if I don't write it down, it is lost so I really love this. They can be as simple or as elaborate as needed, some chapters will need their own page and one page could also hold many books or one lecture per page. Like that. I learned about brick notes here

My garden hat hangs on a cabinet by the back door. It does the job too but the brim is over-sized so I'm looking for a smaller western style hat now. The lady wants a straw cowboy hat.

Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of Libra. The Libra moon helps create balance, justice, comfort and peace for all. Healing magic. xx


  1. so many beautiful things. thanks for the idea of the 'brick notes'...i love that. and a 'conscious shift in energy'...always working on that to create magic and healing.

  2. Soft not quite straw cowboy hats in Asda supermarkets here for only £6. If you'd like one, will send one and swap you for a surprise!!
    Do explain how you'll use your rose petals pse!
    My heart is tired and probably because it's been little used - in various ways lol

  3. Love the 'brick notes'! Like a lovely piece of art...a garden path! As far as the hat...maybe one with tons of UV protection my friend?!!

  4. Brick notes for journaling?!! :)

  5. Thanks, Deanna....a person could use this method for journal writing as well, I'm going to play around with it.

  6. Lyn, hey you're on for a swap if you still want to!
    I use dried rose petals only, infuse a tablespoon of dried roses in a cup of boiling water (just off the boil a few seconds) about 5 minutes -- for a nice rose/heart connection and to simply be nice to yourself. For a stronger heart healthy infusion, use about 3/4 cup to a quart of boiling water, infused for about 45 minutes (not too long or it turns bitter). Rose is high in antioxidants, a heart and circulatory tonic, moves stuck energy and a plethora of other qualities as well.
    Email me if you're on.

  7. Nancy, I didn't see your comment until after I replied to Deanna! How weird is that that you wrote the exact same thing that came into my mind. Oh my, we are on the same wavelength! Or did I subconsciously see what you wrote? Anyway...yes, wouldn't that be fantastic to journal with? Or document or remember ANYTHING really. The sky's the limit. Love the garden path idea too. :)

  8. Those luscious roses...ust want to scoop them up and put my face in! Really like the brick notes idea, makes me think of the mind-mapping I've used for planning over the years.

  9. Wonderful ideas though this whole post. Love the brick note idea and all the flower uses. I'm going to try distilling my rose petals today to get pure rose water/essential oil.
    Have a beautiful Summer Solstice/Full Moon. It's going to be a magical day/night!
