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Monday, September 15, 2014

moonday disappearing acts

Today is a waning half moonday in Gemini. That means half the moon is visible now but in less than a week's time, it will disappear into darkness once again. Nature has begun her disappearing act, too -- the winds are already scattering leaves and other dried-up plant debris. Everyday something different in the garden completes its life cycle -- there are fewer tomatoes ripening now, the peppers are done, the cucumbers are done and gone, even bean production has come to a halt. I'm happy that it's time for some cozy autumn home-keeping projects though -- I even like fall cleaning -- way better than spring cleaning.

I could not bear to work anymore on that dyers coreopsis eco-printed wool for September's moondala. It was so busy, it made me dizzy. Even though I stitched on it for several hours before realizing it wasn't right, I decided to go ahead and switch it out with different piece of dyers coreopsis wool, but this time a solid. Things are moving along much better now.

Almost two quarts of elderberries were harvested and popped into the freezer, enough for a few batches of elderberry syrup. And I don't know how I could do such a thing, but I accidentally put a hank of Japanese indigo-dyed wool yarn into the washer and the dryer! Oh dear.

The smudge sampler basket is ready to work some magic, part of my fall house-cleaning/clearing maybe? xx


  1. Now elderberries have worked really well with brambles in my vodka lol
    last years batch is really rather tasty !
    Wise choice I reckon on switching that fabric, if it sent your eyes all skwiffy lol

  2. I love the orange yarn wound around the peg. I wonder if it is wool or cotton. Am I right to suppose you got it with dyer's coreopsis?

  3. Love your pictures .... the elderberries are great ;-)

  4. Lyn, blackberries and elderberries together? That sounds really good! Than after the vodka is infused and the berries strained out, how do you drink it -- mixed with water or straight on ice? Do you keep it in the freezer? You're giving me ideas.....

  5. Thanks, Els! I may have to try some of Lyn's vodka up there too. ;)

  6. Ladka, the pegs are all cotton embroidery floss -- I didn't dye them but the color you refer to is nearly the exact color that the flowers imprinted on the wool I gave up on. I'm amazed that coreopsis gives so much color -- like the yellow cosmos you just used. Autumn is wild and electric!

  7. Catching up on your posts and I keep thinking all those beautiful colors...

  8. That moon pic is gorgeous! And I can smell the sage from here...Mmmmm...

  9. Your bowl of elderberries are so beautiful…
    After a few hours of stitching on a new piece-mine went wrong, too. I'm hoping I can salvage it. I hope your pretty yarn can be used in some way.
