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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

black magic moondala

Late-night stitching, constantly questioning color choices. I always do that -- this started with mostly red but didn't feel right. So I picked the red out and went with coral, magenta and violet instead. Really wondered at that point. But then it hit me that these are the colors on both a calendar page and a favorite scarf that I love so much. That explained everything and even helped my stitching to coalesce better and easier. Funny how that works.

April's moondala, #4 in my monthly sewing ritual, was made with a black-magic silk-dyed wool moon and some green tulip-dyed wool as the background. The vibe is a combination of lunar eclipse, pysanky, and bee swarm. That's a lot for one small  mandala to hold, but it's all there.

We have a new moon in Taurus today. This is an ideal time for new beginnings -- in a little while I'll draw oracle and tarot cards and think about what seeds to plant, both literal and figurative. It's windy here -- looking forward to being inside today. A knitting project is so close to being finished, so very close.


  1. Always love your worldly wisdoms and this months moondala is really beautiful!

  2. oh don't they all look so beautiful side by side. i have trouble choosing colors as well.

  3. it's funny how consistent what we love (esp colors) can be... I love how it turned out. so lively and rich.

  4. So much beauty in those moons Peggy. I can see the moon eclipse coming sometimes soon! Hugs Nat

  5. a delicious moondala Peggy, colours are perfect, my favourites.

  6. Hi Deanna, it's always a process. I'm trying to program myself to enjoy it and not struggle so much. :)

  7. Dee, yes! Certain colors keep surfacing, don't they? -- if we let them, that is. :)

  8. Thank you, Nat! I missed this last one because I couldn't keep my eyes open that late. ;)

  9. Thanks, Nanette -- there's always something about a black background.....:)

  10. That is a very FULL moondala. (hoping the comment sticks this time)

  11. Your moondala is beautiful, love all the meaning in it.
    Love all your moon wisdom updates.

  12. Love the dark background. I really do get a sense of the pysanky in these color choices. All of them together...all of those knotty stitches...your moondalas are beautifully grand Peggy!
