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Monday, March 31, 2014

moonday rituals

Today is a waxing moonday in Taurus. This week begins the phases of the moon so it's a good time for us to begin new things, too. What is begun under a Taurus moon tends to take hold and be strong and long-lasting -- that makes it a be-careful-what-you-wish-for kind of thing.

One more little moondala is finished -- this is #3 for my March full moon sewing ritual. It's made with a bindweed-dyed moon on an indigo-dyed background and stitched 'round and 'round until it was time to stop. Even though all three mandalas have a similar design, in my mind each is unique for its respective moon time. Now that the stack is growing, I'm starting to think about the bigger picture -- next up will be finding a background cloth for them.

My monthly flower bouquet dyeing ritual was also completed -- a March bouquet of tulips made a dye-bath that most certainly looked magenta but then produced both pink and green. And green was exactly what I wanted but was positive wouldn't/couldn't happen. What a happy surprise -- two pieces of lovely green wool and even the silk that looked so pink when wet turned out to have green in its folds and edges when it dried. A person couldn't ask for more now could they? Even if these colors were to wash out, I'd still be happy for how they look right now.

And to tell the truth, I probably am not going to wash them.


  1. They are...unique each one--did you see the boiled wool slippers in a recent post of mine? Thought of you--Saturday, March 29, 2014

    Hope the holding strength of Taurus seeps into my days which too often feel like I'm losing them before they even start.

    Wonder how the green came through//just tulips?

  2. You wished for green Peggy and there it is...such a pretty green too. I had no luck with the turmeric on blue, just a bright yellow really. oh well, back to the dye pot. I love your little March moondala too, beautifully unique.

  3. Michelle, I do love that slipper on your post, it's wonderful. The green came through from the alum water the cloth was soaked in beforehand. Just got lucky on that one. :)

  4. Hi Nanette -- who'da'thunk?

    My turmeric dye-bath is really strong and the cloth looks like it's going to be gold like yours. I wonder if we'd have used a weaker solution, things would be different?

  5. Beautiful Moon Cloths! Interesting how you achieved green with the pink. The fun, mysterious results of dyeing is what keeps me going. Have a wonderful week.

  6. each moondala is soooooo different. . . it makes me appreciate how powerful a thing color choice is. thank you for the thoughts about the Taurus moon.

  7. These are by far the best, such a lovely idea - moondalas! Wonderful

  8. va ms. but i think i was here before

    love your blog
    the moon living in full spectrum
    the moondala's
    the 1 month flowers till diedye death and deye i mean

    or is it dye

    wel greets

  9. Who'da'thunk alright, we were trying too hard maybe. Did you have an idea if you used alum you might get green, or did you just wing it?

  10. Your moondalas! Such lovely stitching and texture. Inspired by you I went out and dug an old bouquet out of the compost & wrapped cloth around it.

  11. I so love these little 'moondalas'!! I was in a shop today and thought of you when I saw a long vertical wood slats banner with Celtic 'patches' (think prayer flag look) and in the center this Carl Sagan quote: "For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love."

    My first thought was work, classroom, Deb related...
    Then I thought you could do this with any little cloths or quote...then I though that you (Peggy) could use a wooden bamboo banner for these little moondalas!! The banner was like a tabble runner with wood at the top to hang it and wood at the bottom to weight it. I really should have taken a picture!
