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Monday, January 13, 2014

moonwatch: still growing, nearly full

I'm still going along with the moon -- beginning, making, concocting, gathering, doing -- drawing on waxing moon qualities of action and growth. 

A few mornings ago I lit the angel beeswax candle while having tea in bed. I love this beautiful candle, it has lasted forever it seems, and conveys a strong sense of guardianship.

Today I made magnesium oil spray -- I've been reading in The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, MD that we absorb magnesium better via a skin application rather than soaking in an epson salt bath or even taking it orally. Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulfate, is not necessarily the easiest form to absorb, while oral supplements can go right through us before they're absorbed because of magnesium's well-known laxative effect. 

Easy to make by dissolving one part magnesium chloride flakes with one part boiling water, it's not really an oil, the name comes from the oily feel of magnesium chloride dissolved in water. Two out of three of us are thought to be magnesium deficient, magnesium affects over 300 body functions, and the symptoms of deficiency are many. Some of us don't absorb it well from our food either, which would be the preferred source in my opinion. I referred to the wisdom and directions here to make and use my magnesium oil. 

I've loved these moon phase calendars for a long time now. I used to mark my moon times on them with a red felt-tip pen, I loved seeing the red circles try to form patterns. The 2014 moon calendars with red pens are to be given to the four young women in my life.

The white wool is for future dye-pots. That avocado dye-pot I started last week is not pink, it's sort of a dark orange. So I started two more dye-pots separating the avocado skins from the pits and neither of those are pink either. It's okay, I just wonder why I don't see pink. 

Wishing you a lovely week. Until the full moon two days from now, I'll be right here continuing on my projects and maybe even starting something new yet, who knows. xx


  1. Interesting reading about magnesium. Is magnesium the same as salt? I collected some avocado skins, but never got around to using them. Can't wait and see yours result - It's super hot here this week so air conditioning office is welcome - Hugs

  2. if i remember correctly, Peggy, the avocado peels gave a pale pink color on the cloth treated with alum. the pits themselves turned orange when cut up but don't remember how they transferred to the cloth.

  3. I thought I read somewhere that the resulting colour from avocados can depend on variables like time in the season they're picked, age,variety and where grown. The time I tried I got a dirty pinky brown, and that was late in the season locally grown from the neighbour's tree. And I had separated pits and skin. Half the fun.

  4. timely. I'm pretty sure I'm the one out of three. Not sure where to get flakes here, but I'll look around.

    Lovely candle that angel.

  5. I've been on magnesium supplements for the past 3 weeks and have noticed a much improved mood and energy level...thank you for the info on the skin absorbed oil. Please keep us informed about it...

    Oh the hopes for untouched wool!!

  6. Nat, well I'm not really that great with chemistry -- magnesium is sometimes referred to as a salt but it also combines with others substances so I'm not sure what to say. :) We've been hearing about your heatwave, stay cool!

  7. Thanks, Deanna, I did use alum on one of the pieces which turned a little darker, more orange. The others I didn't and well I'm going to post photos tomorrow, I think!

  8. Nanette, your description is just right, dirty pinky brown! Good to know about the season, variety, etc., thank you -- that makes sense. Last time I used avocado, I'm pretty sure the outcome was pinker.

  9. Michelle, mail order, can't remember where off-hand. If you want to order, let me know and I'll look it up.

  10. Sherri, what form are you supplementing with? Just curious. Wonderful that you notice improvements already!

    I love white wool, there's no doubt about it. ;)
