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Monday, January 6, 2014

13th cloth moonday

My thirteenth moon cloth for December completes 13 eyes to the moon, a sewing ritual that I began in December 2012. This cloth has a crocheted snowflake-turned-moon that my mom made -- it sort of matches the snowflake pillow -- and the star is Venus. The only color is the red on the roof and the door, although the photo has a red tint to the black background, I don't know why or how to change that. 

To live and create in sync with moon cycles was my intention (drawing down the moon over on the sidebar). I began each cloth on the full moon, thinking about what was going on in my life at that time. I cut and used all the months from one entire calendar cloth plus one month from a new cloth. Each moon cloth has a moon and a house with an eye to symbolize "an eye to the moon." This was most gratifying stitching and now I'm thinking about what kind of moon-making ritual might be nice for 2014. In 2012, I painted itty-canvases and that was a great experience, as well. 

Today is a waxing moonday in Aries. Beginnings are still very much in play with the growing moon plus with the energy and spontaneity of Aries, this next day or two could get exciting. I'm trying to discern between fleeting ideas and those that have staying power, something Aries sometimes lacks.

The sun is shining brightly here today but it's still cold, so I'll be staying in as much as I can. I hope you are happy and comfy wherever you are! 

And I'm wondering -- do you have any long-term sewing/making rituals or projects lined up? 


  1. Hi Peggy, your eye to the moon cloths are beautiful. Love the energy and colour of them. I've been giving some thought to a year long stitching project, many fleeting ideas...ha! is that Aries at work? ...but nothing that gels. I like the idea of something like Handstorie's words going round and round, but don't think I have enough different words each day. I'm sure something will come to me, or I can just watch what you do :)

  2. Hi Nanette and thank you. Fleeting ideas, oh do I know that feeling! Happy brainstorming.

  3. well, now i've had a proper look and i love them all. it was fun to watch you do this and your project was one of the ones that sparked my choosing a daily stitching project for 2014. can't wait to see what you come up with for 2014.

  4. How great to see them all. Will you hang them together? I've decided not to do a ritual this year, at least for now. I wonder how that will go, after the last two years?

  5. How GREAT seeing them all in one place, and one at a time too. Gosh, I have loved the words and images all year (might have missed one or two), and looking forward to 2014 with you. I wish I did have a plan, a project, a daily practice. These days only two unfinished pieces, and lots of ideas. Life scatters me amongst tasks that seem to take longer than they used to.

  6. Peggy, Love all your moon cloths! Looking forward to seeing your Full Moon idea for this year.
    My two "slow" quilting projects this year will be continuing working on my wool "family tree" quilt. I have few more family houses to add to it. I've also been trying to hand quilt daily on my Eco-printed quilt. It's perfect to sit with, draping around you and watch the winter snow blow by. And we have a lot blowing by!

  7. I was going to pick a favorite, but I can't. I love them all.

  8. Thanks, Deanna, I'm still undecided. I have so many pieces to finish but there is something wonderful about a new project at the beginning. I love your daily stitching project!

  9. Cindy, haven't decided yet -- they are currently tied together like a banner and swoop along a wall. We'll see. It might feel freeing for you to not have a ritual this year -- yours had a daily focus and that's quite a commitment!

  10. Thanks, Michelle -- there's never a shortage of ideas, is there? Having a moonthly practice is a lot less to take on than a daily one, I have to say. By the month is enough of a challenge for me. ;)

  11. Kathy, slow cloth is just the best, isn't it? I love the words "slow cloth" -- they instantly delete the word "impatience"! I'm envisioning you with your quilts wrapped around you, nice and cozy.

  12. Thank you, Sara! Hope you're feeling better.....

  13. Your moon cloths are wonderful. They are perfect together. Well done Peggy! I also have an on going project that I started in Nov last year. I was hoping to have an exhibition with them one day! Hugs Nat

  14. Happy New Year Peggy!
    What a beautiful idea, the moon cloths! Do you sew them completely by hand? It sure looks that way...
    Thank you for sharing..

  15. Thank you, Nat -- figuring out how to hang them now...or maybe sew them all together somehow.

  16. Sherri, a happy new year to you, too! Thanks, and yes, they're all handsewn. Good times.

  17. congrats! what a nice body of work they make... I look forward to following the progress of the 'moondalas' next!
