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Monday, September 9, 2013

moonday cloth

A new moon cloth is up on the little wooden mannequin -- it's the August moon cloth, number nine of my 13-moons project. Each month I stitch a little moon cloth with the energy of that month's full moon in mind -- a sewing ritual. When I started these last December, I needed a plan -- so I decided there has to be a calendar cloth component and also a house with an eye on each completed piece.

This piece holds the green of summer's end. August, to me, is the greenest of all months because everything appears as if it's seen through a green lense. It isn't really the green of the plants so much as it is the light changing to green in August. I don't know if I would see it elsewhere, I sort of doubt it, but here where I live, that's how it is.

Now we're well into September and mums on the porch are another sign of change. We're expecting cooler temperatures and even some rain this week. I'm cleaning out garden beds and thinking about setting up the cold frame. The cayenne peppers are thriving and full of fruit. I'll be making a few different concoctions with them this week. The only tomatoes that have done well for us this year are the cherry tomatoes. That's okay because there are plenty, plus they glow.

Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of Scorpio. With a growing moon, I like to focus on things that are truly important to me. What we think about and what we spend time on are the things that will thrive and increase in our lives. But first, you have to decide what's important -- I made a list on the new moon instead of making wishes like I usually do. Probably the same effect, but this way I sort of feel like I have more of a plan. And I do like a plan!

Wishing you a great week doing what's important to you.


  1. I like a plan too!

    Love your moon cloth....the green is so vivid.

    Here in northeast GA, I think our greenest month may be April, when the trees are first leafing out. It is still green here now, but things look a bit dingy. The leaves won't be turning too soon, but many just give up and drop off before turning!


  2. Look at all of those stitches! I want to feel them :) And I love how the wooden gal holds the cloth, showing the size & creating such a nice feeling.
    I'm a fan of grape tomatoes & glass block! Your tomatoes look great...fresh are the best!

  3. love how you've displayed your beautiful cloth. and such healthy plants. have a great week.

  4. I love dropping by here to see the new moon cloth. This one is my birthday moon cloth and it's lovely Peggy - Hugs Nat

  5. I so love that you honour the moon phases in this way. I am always aware of where she is, but have not been doing anything ritualistic for a long time...apart from 'talking' to her that is. I plan [:~)] to start in October.

    All your moonday cloths are lovely...
    Your garden produce looks vibrant...
    ...and that glass block photo...oh! oh! oh!

    Happy Tuesday to you x

  6. love the little cloth on the figure.. i only grew cherry tomatoes this year. i like how you can just pop them in your mouth and they have a long bearing season.

  7. I love this little piece and it's perch on the manikin. The moon is all in a swirl..............

  8. Hello and thank you all so much for your nice comments. It's such a pleasure to read them, as you know! ;)

  9. I've enjoyed watching these cloths emerge... I really like all the top stitching on this one. And yes, focusing on what's important is such a good practice!

  10. Another wonderful moon cloth, love all the stitching and the blue moon.
