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Monday, September 23, 2013

autumn moonday

Autumn winds blew in last night -- today the trees are swaying, the sound of their leaves reminds me of ocean waves. I'm wearing jeans and will probably need a sweater to walk the dogs. It's very exciting.

A September full moon cloth is brewing. This moon cloth is #10 in a series of 13 moons, a full moon sewing ritual I started in December 2012. The light and dark background piece is a gift from Herm, a clothmate gone to the great beyond -- I remember when she made a fiery heart with this same cloth.

A scarf on the water bottle/cooler in the kitchen makes a big difference in a good way. That bindweed dye-bundle from last year is going to be unrolled and ironed today -- maybe a little piece can go on the moon cloth. The goddess in the garden, a gift from soul-mate sisters, reminds me to close my eyes, face to the sky, and listen. And did you know that Japanese indigo, Polygonum tinctorium, has red blooms?

Our sweet-bee-hearts are working every last flower getting ready for change. I saw a bee trying to get through the screen on the back door the other night so I think the worker bees (all female) have booted out the drones (male bees) for the winter -- it's something they do when brood rearing winds down and the drones are no longer needed for mating, which is their whole purpose in life.

Today is a waxing moonday moving shortly into the sign of airy Gemini. This may be why I've been going to and fro and around and about, starting one thing only to be distracted and continuing with another. It may also be why my i-phone can't hold a wireless connection to update software. Gemini influences forms of communication -- singing, talking, writing, and listening -- I love to visit with other people on Gemini days.

Autumn is associated with air, wind, and sound. This morning I heard ocean waves from the trees, kids playing on the school playground two blocks away, construction noises, dogs barking, birds singing, traffic and sirens three blocks away -- all as if they were right beside me. It's a good acoustical day. A sound I sometimes imagine and would like to hear up close is of wings on air, preferably my own.

I'm wishing you a beautiful week listening and doing things you love. xx


  1. Your Goddess is beautiful, face to the sky listening is a calming, centreing space. I looked up bindweed, it's Morning Glory here and another of those pretty plants that are considered invasive weeds to be eradicated in some states. I see lots along the river bank, purple flowers, what colour were the flowers you bundled ?

    Enjoy your autumn days, I'm savouring spring days that already have a summery feel.

  2. Hi Nanette, it's very invasive in my garden -- I'm trying to come to terms with it by recognizing its value. ;) I used the vines from my weeding sessions, some had flowers, too, I'm sure, light pink/purple -- I can fill a big dye-pot in minutes. This is the link to how I make a batch. I've been thinking of you in the Southern Hemisphere and how much spring and autumn are alike. Happy spring!

  3. at first glance, i thought your September cloth was a mask and the eye was seeing September. i still have some eucalyptus leaves from Herm that were sent to her by Nat in Australia. lots of traveling bundles...we were actually in the 50s this morning but back to the 90s tomorrow.

  4. Deanna, it does look like a mask. That's an idea for the future!

    The leaves are another nice reminder of Herm for you. I remember when her friend visited you.

    Warmer here tomorrow too, won't need a sweater...

  5. I love the Goddess of the Garden. She is beautiful!!! My indigo is budded up. I am hoping there will be an Indian Summer so seeds will set. If not, cuttings will be taken. Your September cloth is beautiful. What are the blue flowers that the bee is devouring? I love that color. Happy first week of fall!

  6. Hi Jeannie -- thank you, I love her, too. Oh, I hope your indigo blooms in time! Is it the Japanese or the other one? If mine sets seed okay, I can send you some. Let me know. The blue flowers are Dark Knight, Caryopteris x clandonensis. Happy Fall to you!

  7. Such a beautiful statue! I admire your note taking and can see how helpful it will be once I develop some patience about letting the bundles develop longer than overnight! Looking forward to seeing how the cloth develops.

  8. Your goddess is perfect. I will keep my eyes open for one so beautiful, now that I know they are made. As far as "good acoustical day"...that is me everyday. I see the mask now too, but my first thought was Halloween, which was odd because that doesn't flow with your moon cloths!
    Cooler yesterday, warmer today...a bit cooler tomorrow - then warming up again I think!
    Take care.

  9. I love your Goddess, early Autumn is one of my favourite times of year here in England.

  10. Dear Peggy, what a lovely post and your writing is just magic. Oh Herm, I miss her so much. She touched everyone hearts. I also have the journal and Japanese fabric she gave me, I heart Herm! Your moon cloths are all beautiful. Can't wait to see the result of the bindweed bundle - Hugs

  11. I enjoy visiting your blog--a very peaceful spot, love,Diana

  12. oh, Herm... I still think of her jacket now and then. Love your goddess photo. One of my "perfect" school memories was sitting with a class in a neighbor's garden, after their sharing about their hives, listening to the bees hum while we sketched the flowers.

  13. Your goddess is beautiful and love how the moon block is coming. Aren't you going to miss them next year? I miss mine, maybe I'll start a new group next year. From natural dyed silk?
