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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

trust building

I'm drawing a blank on how to proceed with the little moon cloth -- kantha or not, buttonhole or not, color or not. It's still incubating, I guess.

Have you heard of bulletproof coffee made with grass-fed butter and coconut oil? This is what it looks like, and trust me, it's good. I make it with espresso from organic coffee beans and hot water and then blend it all up with an immersion blender until it's a little foamy on top. I'm not sure that I'll make it like this everyday though. And I still take a two-to-four-month coffee break every few years just to prove to myself that I can -- but, for me, a coffee in the morning is pure pleasure.

It's called sustainable living architecture -- a ancient way of building bridges from the roots of a rubber tree that gives new meaning to the term root system. And trust-building! 

I first saw this video over at hella delicious -- you can read more about the amazing root bridges here.


  1. thank you for that amazing video. i have shared it. that coffee does sound and look good. i gave up coffee several years ago and now enjoy tea almost as much. i do give in to a craving every now and then.

  2. what a beautiful amazing place! I've only had one cup of coffee in my life, but do feel that way about my morning tea. & since my comments seem to be not sticking...I'll say again how much I like that wispy cloud crossing your moon.

  3. Thanks for the amazing video, really enjoyed it. I must try going without coffee. I doubt it will work, but it's worth a try - Hugs Nat

  4. Never have never had a cupa joe...but I'm glad you've found this one you enjoy!
    The glow of the egg & moon is fantastic!

  5. Thanks everyone for coming by. Glad you liked the video and I'm so surprised that there are people in the world who've never tasted coffee! Wow. You would probably see GOD if you had some! ;) Have a great weekend! xo

  6. I love all your moon cloths but this is my favorite by a lot - I can't wait to see how you finish it and how it will look without the blue dash of light...

    I'd like to try this coffee... sounds quite amazing.

  7. thanks for the link to bullet proof coffee, amazing!
