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Monday, May 13, 2013

a spring moon cloth

The April moon cloth is up and hanging on the little wooden mannequin. It's pieced together with cottons -- some new, some vintage -- and filled in with kantha stitch. Since it's only 7" in diameter, it was a nice way to do a little sewing while my attention is increasingly being pulled outside. Winter weather seems to have run its course and we are back to seasonal temperatures so I even unpacked summer clothes this morning. How about that?

Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of watery Cancer. Being Cancer is one of the most fertile signs of all for growing, I'm hoping to get caught up with planting my garden, of course. But this energy also applies to other types of growing and expansion, whether it be the seeds of healing, a new project, deepening a friendship, or making your money grow. 

And you might feel like nurturing somebody or something, maybe even yourself! Wishing you a great week.


  1. I love your moon cloth. It is so textural and happy. Your banner of moon cloths are so cheerful. I planted some seeds today. After the heat last week, I am back to wool socks, a 30 degree temperature swing will do that. :) And the rain came! Growing up in Seattle, I never thought I would miss the rain, but I do. Wishing you a beautiful week, too!

  2. oh wow...i love your spring cloth. the kantha stitching makes it appear as if it's quite windy. beautiful.

  3. Thanks, Deanna -- you know how addictive kantha stitch is! :)

  4. I will call them moon in the baskets! Lots and lots of stitching went into these, love them - Hugs Nat

  5. a new venture, deeper friendship, more money full moon in a moon basket. I'll have some of that please!

  6. . . . Or (as Deanna comments above), the kantha stitching might suggest the wind from your own wing-beats!

    I love this, too.

  7. I totally adore these moon cloths of yours and they look so delightful strung as a banner.
    That circular one is divine!

  8. The second much movement, the moon stitches look like they are floating! Will the next one be a circle too? A set of 4 (after the 4 flag moons)?
    It's hot here, of course.
    Take care.

  9. there is something very dream catcher-ish about this lovely piece and all of its stitches.

  10. oh! i love this moon cloth! the textures are mesmerizing...drawing the eye in to stay for a long while. exploring. finding new little treasures at every turn. lovely!

  11. oh such pretty houses accumulating.. this one has what I call 'Easter colors'... and it being in the round seems to fit with a fertile season.

  12. Dear Wonderful People, thank you so much! I have been out of the loop with 2 college graduations (1 daughter and 1 daughter-in-law) and the plant sale. I very much appreciate your encouraging words! xoxo
