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Thursday, March 28, 2013

a small cloth

Yesterday on the Full Moon (in Libra) I wove up a little moon cloth while thinking about how the light is growing now, soon to visibly surpass the darkness. So I decided to make the white top larger than the checkered bottom.

Last night for dinner we had a really good potato salad with no potatoes -- using cauliflower instead, it was easier than with potatoes even though the cauliflower needs to be steamed for a few minutes beforehand. Then today a big batch of Rosa Body Wash was concocted. This is my favorite body wash so it seemed like the wise thing to do by making up a whole quart instead of only one cup at a time.

Today bits of calendar cloth were tucked in and the moon cloth basted together -- I love working on small cloths like this. Between it and reading Gone Girl, I don't know which is better.

Thanks for coming by and I wish you some happy weekending. xx


  1. i enjoyed Gone it a while ago. always love how you incorporate the calendars in your cloth. i have some here that i haven't yet used.

  2. Hi Deanna and thank you. The book has definitely drawn me in, hope I can give it a rest so I can get some rest! I noticed your comment over on what if and how you'd done the same thing with your cloth before you read the post on that technique. Well, I wove this yesterday and read the post on weaving whites today. ;)

  3. I will have to read Gone Girl...and the salad looks wonderful...I'm ready to try some experimenting with cauliflower, a vegetable I have fond memories of, but don't often buy, let alone grow...hmmm, that's an idea!...

  4. As always, the most beautiful and engaging photos! I so enjoy your eye candy!! I can almost hear your scissors as they cut through your fabric.....but it looks as if you've torn your strips for this moon cloth?
    I want to try your cauliflower potato salad - clever substitution!


  5. I've heard of mashed potatoes (cauliflower) too :)
    Love the calendar Calendar Girl you!! Remember that song? I hear it in my head sometimes while visiting here!

  6. I've been making body wash/shampoo with water, soap and essential oils (which ever seems appealing at the time) and putting it in a foam pump. I'm finding the foam pump makes it last longer. Rose is nice...
