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Saturday, September 29, 2012

lightning full moon art

A lightning moon in memory of the other night's big thunderstorm. And for the lightning water being charged by the full moon tonight. And because I'm learning about Oya, goddess of rain and wind, who stirs things up to bring about change.

My copper-haired girl and her moon are painted on a 2½” x 3½” itty canvas. The burnt patch on an old suitcase seemed fitting as a background for the photo. I enjoy this kind of painting, but realize it's primitive at best. This is #11 in a series of full moon itty paintings begun December 2011. 

I'd love to see and share your full moon art here, too! Just leave a link in the comments or email me a file to be posted on the drawing down the moon page on the sidebar.

**Michelle is making something fabulous -- a cloth NY moonscape.

**Nanette stitched a lovely Jacaranda Moon using a vintage block as the background -- with real jacaranda blossoms for those of us who've never seen them.

**Judy sent photos of her full moon knitting and dyeing -- see them here.

**Helen has taken some beautiful photos of the Moon of the Turning Leaves.

**Fly on over to Kathy's to see the Michigan full moon and her exquisite moon cloth!


  1. Boy that is 'itty'! Love her hair :)

  2. I love the idea of a whole series of itty paintings, one per month like calendar squares...They're charming.

  3. I always love seeing your full moon art and love the lightening picture. Cool suitcase too!

  4. Testing--I sent a rather long comment on your last post but I suspect that it is lost.... So this is a test. I am fascinated with the lightening water....

  5. I love the way her hair flows off to the side........not quite wayward more a determined path!

  6. I love all of this month's full moon offerings, and your itty bitty lightning woman truly sparkles. I have a full moon on my blog now too.

  7. Hi Peggy, I also love her hair and am interested in the lightening water. Your collection of itty bitty paintings would be lovely hanging altogether (when you finish, is there an end? I don't think so). I just finished posting my Full Moon quilt square on my blog.

  8. Hello - I, too, love the scale of this painting... and, I have nominated your blog for a Reader Appreciation award... details over on Cloth Company.

  9. Thanks, Nancy!

    Michelle, yes, that's it exactly -- moonths!

    Marie, I usually have to cover that part of the suitcase. And thank you.

    Sara, if you have rain and lightning, you have lightning water, too!

    Lyn, oh you have a way with words and I hope that that is exactly how I appear, too -- determined! LOL

    Nanette, thanks and thanks for sharing!

    Kathy, the itties will be hung together very soon now. They're already together but not in a good way yet. 2 to go! 13 Moons. Next cycle, I'm thinking of working with cloth 13 times.

    Hi Dee, and thank you and thank you again! :)
