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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

suns rise

Suns in honor of the Solstice. The indestructible red sun prayer flag -- here and here -- has re-risen with the addition of a few green stitches, some french knot wish seeds, and new ties. The rising sun in the moss rose pot was a candle holder gift that I love dearly. I basted the cloth sun last night and am in love with it now, too, wondering what it will be? I only noticed this morning the similarity between the two cloth pieces. A carved sunrise stone in a planter.

With both the moon and the sun in the sign of Cancer, this day is one of strength, growth, and sensitivity. It's all good. xo


  1. love the prayer flag and the carved sunrise stone is making me want a cookie.

  2. beautiful.
    i admire your way of life :0)

  3. Your suns and Deanna's comment has me now craving a piece of shortbread. ;) Happy Solstice!

  4. Thanks, Deanna and hope you found a cookie!

  5. Thank you, Joan and blogger let you through -- yay!

  6. Jeannie, hey we have to celebrate, right?

    Happy Solstice to you, too.

  7. those fluttering petals are lovely.

  8. Awww...Peggy what a lovely post to end my day with. Your beautiful sunflower cloth looks just like the one around here! I love that cloth of yours and will love to see what you do with the new one. The suns are delightful.

  9. love the sunflower~beautiful and cheerful. (one of my favorite summer flowers, especially the giant ones!)
    Happy Summer Solstice. <3 xo

  10. Thank you, Cindy -- still fluttering hopes and wishes.

  11. Hi Nancy, thanks -- yes, I was thinking of your sunflowers, you're sort of the sunflower lady 'round these parts!

  12. Marie, thanks and I hope you have lots of cheerful giant mama sunflowers in your life this summer. Hope all is well.

  13. Love those suns! Hope your solstice was good... I'm looking forward to shorter days, have a hard time staying up to put the chickens to bed. :)
