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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

more onion-skin dyeing

Computer problems so I'm posting on my ipad. I'm not sure how to get the photos right, it shows up as code on my screen and that's scary, for sure.

These are the results of a little more onion-skin dyeing -- only one of the baskets fit into the dye-pot and that was unfortunate because I love the color of this little heart basket now. Also, some strips of cotton, wooden beads, and a clothespin. I thought the yarn called for a shot of ginger liqueur, color wise -- then a little knitting play. Lastly, I'm trying to overdye this coffee-dyed cotton knit top that really didn't take the coffee color very well. We'll see.

Any tips on blogging with an ipad?


  1. Your photos look fine on my computer. I love the little basket and the yarn, sigh, is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, Jeannie! Anytime I see html code, the music from Jaws goes off in my head and my blood pressure surges, too, I'm sure. I added one of the photos that didn't make it my first try. Have a great day!

  2. did you pre-soak the knit top in soy milk. that would help it pick up the color. i like the knitting with the silk that you dyed.

  3. Deanna, oh shoot, I didn't, and so far it looks like maybe a baby threw up on me is all, not much onion color. Next time for sure. Maybe I can do something with this top in Jude's next class. And thanks, looks like there'll be enough for a basket or something along those lines if I tear up the other curtain panel, too.

  4. That little hexagon knitted up a treat...I love those colours!

    Good luck with dyeing your top, I look forward to seeing how it came out after the onion skin dye bath.

    Dont onion skins give off the best colour?

    Jacky xox

    1. Thanks, Jacky! Those hexies are pretty cute, only have about a thousand to go, ha! I thought the top was going to look horrid, but today it's not too bad. Think I'll just keep doing stuff to it until it looks like something again. More dyeing, a little stitching, you know...!

  5. Love the colors and I noticed that little heart shaped basket right away!
    I hope you get your computer fixed soon and your post looks great : )
    I love all the hand dyed fabrics and love working with them. Is it just me or
    do the hand dyed fabrics seem so much better to stitch with?

    1. Marie, thank you. I used to have many of these heart baskets because about 20 years ago some friends and I thought we'd make up tea magic kits and sell them at metaphysical stores. We never did but it was a great idea for that time! Anyway, this is one of the last ones and it needed some TLC. You're right, hand dyeds are much better to stitch with. ;-)

  6. Everything looks great! Love that hexie...that yarn!

  7. I love the colors! I still have so e heart shaped baskets, that come out around this time of year..... I like the dye color, so mine might be headed into a dye pot!

    1. Thanks, Jo -- they are perfect for dyeing, both color and size. Let me know!
      Wasn't that a great idea we had way back when?

  8. that is such a beautiful hexipuff! how did the dye hold from the last session?

    1. Cindy, thanks, I'm not anywhere near the number of hexies you must have by now! It held beautifully, I don't think it changed a bit from being washed in soapy warm water.

  9. Isn't onion skin magic for dyeing. It gives such vivid colour for what it is. I often overlook onion skin when I'm looking for orange or brown color. Love all your goodies - hugs Nat

    1. Nat, oh yeah! Yellow, orange, rust and more all from the skins. Amazing. Thanks!

  10. cool, carmely dreams of color from your onion skin dye baths! i am drawn to their calm whispers... if only i had mastered the knack of timelessness so that i might try all the new directions i long to wander in...


  11. Joe, if you ever peel an onion, you've got all you need for this cuz I know you've already got the yarn and the cloth!! Hey, that's what many lives give us -- TIME! ;-)
