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Friday, February 24, 2012

heart space


Seeds were planted in 4-packs -- tomatoes, basil, jalapeno peppers, lettuce and kale -- the plan is for them to go into the cold-frame after they germinate. An experiment to test their cold-tolerance. Peppers like it warmish so I'll keep them in the house a little longer than the others, but it is a test, after all.

A few nights ago we had a windy snowfall and one of the tops to the cold-frame was flung open -- the result was a 3" blanket of snow that I frantically scooped out yesterday morning with bare hands, half-asleep in my pajamas and snowboots. I keep a rock on it, but evidently it wasn't heavy enough. The other side is weighted with the solar automatic ventilator. With the sun's intensity increasing, yesterday felt like the brightest, whitest day yet.

This is the best baked acorn squash -- it's filled with a mixture of 2 T. butter, 2 T. honey, 1 T. Worcestershire sauce, 1/4 c. walnuts and 1/4 c. dried cranberries during the last 15 minutes of baking. I ate three out of the four in the photo! They were little though.

I tried to hold out until Jude's next boro class begins, but I need to wear these jeans asap so they were temporarily mended. I sort of don't want to buy new jeans when there's really only a few more months of even wearing jeans. And if I buy some now, I'll probably be a whole different size by next fall. I won't say which way but a person can hope.

It's been a good week to re-center, I guess you could call it being in heart space. Lighting candles, winding floss, reading, getting dirt under my fingernails again. It had been a while.

Thanks for visiting. And happy weekending! xo


  1. i love seeing everything dressed in snow. a good weekend to you as well.

    1. Deanna -- dressed in snow is a good way to word it! Happy Day.

  2. LOL! I go through the same thing with jeans and shorts. When I pack them away for the season, I wonder if they will fit the next time. I do a little happy dance when they do and pout when they don't. Our last average frost date is May 15. This year, who knows - maybe April 15? We also had big winds this week and more tomorrow -gusts of 60-70mph. The poor birds get confused as I take all the feeders down so they don't blow into the neighbor's. Wishing you a beautiful and sunny weekend.

    1. Jeannie -- exactly, I do that same happy dance! Those are some big winds, wow. What do the poor birds do, I wonder. I heard something about a change in weather so maybe you'll get winter yet. Have a great weekend and hang on to your hat!

  3. Oh boy...80 degrees here! I love the snow dress and hat! Everything is big and beautiful here. Love the photos. And squash...yum! I'm taking the boro class, but the guy does have some jean shirts in need of...something!!!

    1. Nancy -- oh boy is right. 80? Seriously? Yes, buddha is all dressed up for a little sn-o-o-o-m-m-mmmmm!

      I can't wait for the class, I'm trying not to mend anything until then. Good idea to work on the shirts -- my husband wore a denim Gap shirt a few weeks ago that hadn't been worn for like 15 years, I don't even know where he found it!

      Stay cool!

  4. love the pansies and the statue's snow dress.

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- hopefully not too many more snow dresses ahead!

  5. Sounds like something i would do--scooping snow in my pajamas! The other day, it was 81 and I put my few remaining potted plants out on the porch. I should have known better. Last night it was 32. No snow though. Thanks for all the great comments you left on my blog. I so appreciate the encouragement.

    1. Sara -- ha! Oh yikes, that's a huge temperature drop. Hope you're settled in your new digs and the plants survived! See you.

  6. Great photos ...wishing you a wonderful

    1. Thanks, Trish, hope you had a good one, too!

  7. wondrous snow-filled images! i love the buddha's new hat!

    somehow, i managed to completely miss the opportunity of joining in on jude's new boro workshop. i don't seem to be very present these days...


    1. Joe! We have p-l-e-n-t-y of snow this year, I don't think we'll be worrying about a drought after all. Oh, that's too bad, maybe there'll be some openings in the class?
